stick down

stick down

1) разг. класть Stick the boxes down anywhere, we'll sort them out later. ≈ Бросьте куда-нибудь эти коробки, потом разберем их.
2) разг. записывать I've stuck his name down in my little book. ≈ Я записала его имя в записную книжку.
3) приклеивать I can't remove this photograph, it's been stuck down. ≈ Я не могу убрать эту фотографию, ее приклеили. (разговорное) подписывать, записывать - stick my name down for a fiver запиши, что я даю пятерку заклеить - to * an envelope заклеить конверт - the corner of the page has been stuck down, I can't read what's written here угол страницы приклеился, и я не могу прочитать написанное поставить, положить;
сунуть, затолкать - you can stick the table down in a corner for the time being пока что можно задвинуть стол в угол - where does the mail go? - Oh, stick it down over here! куда положить почту? - Да брось ее где-нибудь здесь

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "stick down" в других словарях:

  • stick down — ˌstick ˈdown [transitive] [present tense I/you/we/they stick down he/she/it sticks down present participle sticking down past tense …   Useful english dictionary

  • stick down — phrasal verb [transitive] Word forms stick down : present tense I/you/we/they stick down he/she/it sticks down present participle sticking down past tense stuck down past participle stuck down informal to write something quickly and without… …   English dictionary

  • stick down — verb a) To cause to stick to a surface. I cant stick this picture down, I need better glue. b) to stick to a surface. Eventually the plaster stuck down on my arm …   Wiktionary

  • stick — I [[t]stɪ̱k[/t]] NOUN USES ♦♦♦ sticks 1) N COUNT A stick is a thin branch which has fallen off a tree. ...people carrying bundles of dried sticks to sell for firewood. Syn: twig 2) N COUNT A stick is a long thin piece of wood which is used for… …   English dictionary

  • stick — I UK [stɪk] / US verb Word forms stick : present tense I/you/we/they stick he/she/it sticks present participle sticking past tense stuck UK [stʌk] / US past participle stuck *** 1) [transitive] to push something long and thin into or through… …   English dictionary

  • Stick Cricket — is an Adobe Flash cricket game website. The game was developed originally by Cann Creative, a company from Sydney, Australia. Cann Creative later partnered with Advergamer, a company from London, England to further develop Stick Cricket into an… …   Wikipedia

  • Down in the Groove — Studio album by Bob Dylan Released May 30, 1988 …   Wikipedia

  • Down in the Groove — Saltar a navegación, búsqueda Down in the Groove Álbum de Bob Dylan Publicación 30 de mayo de 1988 Grabación 1983 1987 …   Wikipedia Español

  • stick — [stik] n. [ME stikke < OE sticca, akin to Du stek, ON stik < IE base * steig , a point > STAKE, Frank * stakka, Gr stigma, L instigare, INSTIGATE] 1. a long, usually slender piece of wood; specif., a) a twig or small branch broken off or …   English World dictionary

  • stick something down — ˌstick sthˈdown derived (informal) to write sth somewhere • I think I ll stick my name down on the list. Main entry: ↑stickderived …   Useful english dictionary

  • stick — [n] pole, often wooden bar, bat, baton, billet, birch, bludgeon, board, branch, cane, club, cudgel, drumstick, ferrule, ingot, mast, rod, rule, ruler, shoot, slab, slat, staff, stake, stalk, stave, stem, strip, switch, timber, twig, wand, wedge;… …   New thesaurus

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