- sternutator
- (военное) отравляющее вещество чихательного действия
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
sternutator — [stʉr′nyo͞o tāt΄ər] n. a gas designed to incapacitate by severely irritating the respiratory passages … English World dictionary
sternutator — noun Date: 1922 an agent that induces sneezing and often lacrimation and vomiting … New Collegiate Dictionary
sternutator — /sterr nyeuh tay teuhr/, n. Chemical Warfare. a chemical agent causing nose irritation, coughing, etc. [1920 25; back formation from STERNUTATORY] * * * … Universalium
sternutator — A substance, such as a gas, that induces sneezing. SYN: sneezing gas. * * * ster·nu·ta·tor stər nyə .tāt ər n an agent that induces sneezing and often lacrimation and vomiting * * * ster·nu·ta·tor (sturґnu ta″tər) a gas or other… … Medical dictionary
sternutator — n. chemical substance which causes sneezing and coughing … English contemporary dictionary
sternutator — [ stə:njʊˌteɪtə] noun a chemical warfare agent that causes irritation to the nose and eyes, pain in the chest, and nausea … English new terms dictionary
sternutator — ster·nu·ta·tor … English syllables
sternutator — ster•nu•ta•tor [[t]ˈstɜr nyəˌteɪ tər[/t]] n. mil any gas used in chemical warfare to induce sneezing and often coughing and nausea • Etymology: 1920–25 … From formal English to slang
sternutator — /ˈstɜnjəteɪtə/ (say sternyuhtaytuh) noun a chemical agent causing nose irritation, coughing, etc., used in chemical warfare, etc …
sternutator — n. a substance, esp. poison gas, that causes nasal irritation, violent coughing, etc. Derivatives: sternutatory adj. & n. (pl. ies) … Useful english dictionary
sternutatory — 1. adjective /stɜːˈnjuː.təˌtɔːr.i,stɝːˈnuː.təˌtɔːr.i/ That causes or induces sneezing; sternutative. When the gut protrudes and will not remain in its place, scrape the finest and most compact silphium (assafoetida?) into small pieces and apply… … Wiktionary