Смотреть что такое "sterigma" в других словарях:
sterigma — stèrigma ž <G mn ā/ ī> DEFINICIJA bot. vršni nastavak bazidije koji nosi sporu, nitastog ili čunjastog oblika ETIMOLOGIJA grč. stḗrigma: potporanj … Hrvatski jezični portal
Sterigma — (S. De C, Sterigmostemum M. v. Bbrst.), Pflanzengattung aus der Familie der Cruciferae Anchonieae, 15. Kl. 1. Ordn. L.; Arten: S. acanthocarpum, in Nachitschewan, S. tomentosum u. S. torulosum, im Kaukasus … Pierer's Universal-Lexikon
sterigma — noun (plural sterigmata; also mas) Etymology: New Latin, from Greek stērigma support, from stērizein to prop; perhaps akin to Greek stereos solid more at stare Date: 1874 one of the slender stalks at the top of the basidium of some fungi from the … New Collegiate Dictionary
sterigma — sterigmatic /ster ig mat ik, stear /, adj. /steuh rig meuh/, n., pl. sterigmata / meuh teuh/. Mycol. a small stalk that bears a sporangium, a conidium, or esp. a basidiospore. [1865 70; < NL < Gk stérigma a support, equiv. to sterig , base of… … Universalium
sterigma — A slender, pointed structure arising from a basidium upon which a basidiospore will develop. [G. s., a support] * * * ste·rig·ma stə rig mə n, pl ma·ta mət ə also mas any of the slender stalks at the top of … Medical dictionary
sterigma — ste•rig•ma [[t]stəˈrɪg mə[/t]] n. pl. ma•ta [[t] mə tə[/t]] fng a small stalk that bears a sporangium, a conidium, or esp. a basidiospore • Etymology: 1865–70; < NL < Gk stḗrigma a support =stērig , base of stērízein to support + ma n.… … From formal English to slang
sterigma — noun A slim projecting part of the basidium of some species of fungi that carries the basidiospore … Wiktionary
Sterigma — Sterịgma [griechisch, eigentlich »Stütze«] das, (s)/ ta und, stielartiger Auswuchs einer Pilzmyzelzelle, an dessen oberem Ende Sporen gebildet werden; Sterigmata treten bei der Konidienbildung (Exosporen) bei der Gattung Aspergillus und … Universal-Lexikon
Sterigma — Ste|rig|ma [ʃt..., st...] das; [s], Plur. ta u. <aus gr. ste̅rigma, Gen. stērígmatos, eigtl. »Stütze«> stielartiger Auswuchs einer Pilzmyzelzelle, an dessen oberem Ende Sporen gebildet werden (Biol.) … Das große Fremdwörterbuch
•sterigma — to (G). A support … Dictionary of word roots and combining forms
sterigma — ste·rig·ma … English syllables