- stereotaxis
- мед. стереотаксис (медицина) стереотаксис
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
stereotaxis — [ster΄ēə tak′sis, stir΄ēə tak′sis] n. 1. Biol. the positive (or negative) response of a freely moving organism to cling to (or avoid) a solid object after contact 2. Surgery STEREOTAXY stereotactic [ster΄ē ətak′tik, stir΄ē ətak′tik] adj … English World dictionary
stereotaxis — n.; pl. taxes [Gr. stereos, solid; taxis, arrangement] The directive response of an organism to contact with solids; thigmotaxis. a. Positive stereotaxis: toward the contact. b. Negative stereotaxis: away from the contact … Dictionary of invertebrate zoology
stereotaxis — stereotactic /ster ee euh tak tik, stear /, adj. stereotactically, adv. /ster ee euh tak sis, stear /, n. Biol. movement of an organism in response to contact with a solid. [1915 20; STEREO + TAXIS] * * * … Universalium
stereotaxis — noun a) stereotactic surgery b) The movement of an organism when touched; thigmotaxis … Wiktionary
Stereotaxis — Use of a computer and scanning devices to create three dimensional pictures. This method can be used to direct a biopsy, external radiation, or the insertion of radiation implants. * * * 1. Three dimensional arrangement. 2. Stereotropism, but… … Medical dictionary
Stereotaxis — Stereotạxis [griechisch táxis »(An)ordnung«], Thigmotaxis. * * * Ste|reo|tạ|xis, die; : 1. (Med.) Stereotaxie. 2. (Biol.) Bestreben von Tieren, mit festen Gegenständen in Berührung zu kommen … Universal-Lexikon
Stereotaxis — Ste|reo|ta|xis die; <zu 2↑Taxis>: 1. svw. ↑Stereotaxie. 2. Bestreben von Tieren, mit festen Gegenständen in Berührung zu kommen (z. B. bei Röhren od. Höhlenbewohnern) … Das große Fremdwörterbuch
stereotaxis — n. movement of an organism in response to contact with a solid body (Biology) … English contemporary dictionary
stereotaxis — stereo·tax·is … English syllables
stereotaxis — /ˌstɛriəˈtæksəs/ (say .stereeuh taksuhs), /ˌstɪə / (say .stear ) noun a movement of an organism in response to contact with a solid …
stereotaxis — Use of a computer and scanning devices to create 3 dimensional pictures. This method can be used to direct a biopsy, external radiation, or the insertion of radiation implants … English dictionary of cancer terms