Смотреть что такое "stereophony" в других словарях:
stereophony — stereofonija statusas T sritis fizika atitikmenys: angl. stereophony vok. Stereofonie, f rus. стереофония, f pranc. stéréophonie, f … Fizikos terminų žodynas
stereophony — stereophonic ► ADJECTIVE ▪ (of sound reproduction) using two or more channels so that the reproduced sound seems to surround the listener and to come from more than one source. Compare with MONOPHONIC(Cf. ↑monophonic). DERIVATIVES… … English terms dictionary
stereophony — noun see stereophonic … New Collegiate Dictionary
stereophony — /ster ee of euh nee, stear , ster ee euh foh nee, stear /, n. the state or condition of being stereophonic. [STEREO + PHONY] * * * … Universalium
stereophony — noun The reproduction of stereophonic sound … Wiktionary
stereophony — stere·oph·o·ny … English syllables
stereophony — /stɛriˈɒfəni/ (say steree ofuhnee), /stɪə / (say stear ) noun 1. stereophonic perception. 2. stereophonic reproduction. Also, stereophonics …
stereophony — noun reproducer in which two microphones feed two or more loudspeakers to give a three dimensional effect to the sound • Syn: ↑stereo, ↑stereo system, ↑stereophonic system • Derivationally related forms: ↑stereophonic • Hypernyms: ↑reproducer … Useful english dictionary
Stereophonic sound — Stereophonic sound, commonly called stereo, is the reproduction of sound, using two or more independent audio channels, through a symmetrical configuration of loudspeakers, in such a way as to create a pleasant and natural impression of sound… … Wikipedia
Microphone practice — Main article: Microphone There exist a number of well developed microphone techniques used for miking musical, film, or voice sources. Choice of technique depends on a number of factors, including: The collection of extraneous noise. This can be… … Wikipedia
Traditions and student activities at MIT — The traditions and student activities at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology encompass hundreds of student activities, organizations, and athletics that contribute to MIT s distinct culture. Contents 1 Traditions 1.1 Brass Rat 1.2 Tim the… … Wikipedia