- stereophonic recording
- стереофоническая запись
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
stereophonic recording — stereofoninis įrašymas statusas T sritis radioelektronika atitikmenys: angl. stereophonic recording vok. Stereoaufzeichnung, f rus. стереофоническая запись, f pranc. enregistrement stéréophonique, m … Radioelektronikos terminų žodynas
Stereophonic sound — Stereophonic sound, commonly called stereo, is the reproduction of sound, using two or more independent audio channels, through a symmetrical configuration of loudspeakers, in such a way as to create a pleasant and natural impression of sound… … Wikipedia
stereophonic sound system — equipment for sound recording and reproduction that utilizes two or more independent channels of information. Separate microphones are used in recording and separate speakers in reproduction; they are arranged to produce a sense of… … Universalium
stereophonic — adjective of or pertaining to sound reproduction using two channels to give a more natural two dimensional sound distribution [...] this 1953 Hansel und Gretel is a classic example of how a well produced mono recording can seem more stereophonic… … Wiktionary
stereophonic — stereophonically, adv. /ster ee euh fon ik, stear /, adj. pertaining to a system of sound recording or reproduction using two or more separate channels to produce a more realistic effect by capturing the spatial dimensions of a performance (the… … Universalium
stereophonic — adj. of or having a system of sound recording or reproduction which uses two or more separate channels to produce a more realistic effectster·e·o·phon·ic || ‚stɪrɪəʊ fÉ‘nɪk /‚sterɪəʊ fÉ’n … English contemporary dictionary
stereophonic — [ˌstɛrɪə(ʊ) fɒnɪk, ˌstɪərɪə(ʊ) ] adjective (of sound recording and reproduction) using two or more channels so that the reproduced sound seems to surround the listener and to come from more than one source. Compare with monophonic. Derivatives… … English new terms dictionary
stereophonic — ster•e•o•phon•ic [[t]ˌstɛr i əˈfɒn ɪk, ˌstɪər [/t]] adj. hfi pertaining to a system of recording and reproducing sound with enhanced realism by using two channels instead of one • Etymology: 1935–40 ster e•o•phon′i•cal•ly, adv. ster e•oph′o•ny… … From formal English to slang
sound recording — Introduction transcription of vibrations in air that are perceptible as sound onto a storage medium, such as a phonograph disc. In sound reproduction the process is reversed so that the variations stored on the medium are converted back… … Universalium
Sound recording and reproduction — Sound recorder redirects here. For the audio recording program computer software, see Sound Recorder (Windows). Sound recording and reproduction is an electrical or mechanical inscription and re creation of sound waves, such as spoken voice,… … Wikipedia
music recording — Introduction physical record of a musical performance that can then be played back, or reproduced. Because music evaporates as soon as it is produced, humans, seeking permanence in life s ephemera, have long sought ways to record and… … Universalium