Смотреть что такое "stercoral" в других словарях:
stercoral — STERCORÁL, Ă, stercorali, e, adj. Privitor la excremente. – Din fr. stercoral. Trimis de claudia, 13.09.2007. Sursa: DEX 98 stercorál adj. m., pl. stercoráli; f. sg. stercorálă, pl. stercorále … Dicționar Român
stercoral — stercoral, ale, aux [ stɛrkɔral, o ] adj. • 1795; de stercor(aire) ♦ Sc., méd. Relatif aux excréments. ⇒ excrémentiel, stercoraire. Fistule stercorale. Matières stercorales. ⇒STERCORAL, ALE, AUX, adj. MÉD. Qui se rapporte aux matières fécales,… … Encyclopédie Universelle
stercoral — stercoral, ale (stèr ko ral, ra l ) adj. Qui concerne les excréments. Fistule stercorale (voy. stercoraire). HISTORIQUE XVIe s. • Les fientes des loutres sont appelées tercuries ou esprintes, Modus, f° VII. ÉTYMOLOGIE Lat. stercus,… … Dictionnaire de la Langue Française d'Émile Littré
Stercoral perforation — is the perforation or rupture of the intestine s walls by its internal contents, such as foreign objects, or, more commonly, by hardened feces (fecalomas) which may form in long constipations or other diseases which cause obstruction of transit,… … Wikipedia
Stercoral ulcer — is an ulcer of the colon due to pressure and irritation resulting from severe, prolonged constipation. It is most commonly located in the rectum. Individuals with this condition are at risk for stercoral perforation.References* … Wikipedia
stercoral — adj. [L. stercus, dung] 1. Pertaining to excrement. 2. Living in or feeding on dung … Dictionary of invertebrate zoology
stercoral — SYN: stercoraceous. * * * ster·co·ral stər kə rəl adj STERCORACEOUS * * * ster·co·ral (sturґkə rəl) fecal … Medical dictionary
stercoral — ster·co·ral … English syllables
stercoral — ˈstərkərəl adjective Etymology: Medieval Latin stercoralis, from Latin stercor , stercus excrement + alis al more at dreck 1. : of, relating to, containing, produced by, or being dung : fecal 2. : living in or feeding on dung … Useful english dictionary
stercoral pocket — (ARTHROPODA: Chelicerata) A dilated portion of the proctodeum of certain spiders in which fecal matter and excreta temporarily accumulate … Dictionary of invertebrate zoology
stercoral appendicitis — appendicitis in which a fecal concretion is the assumed cause … Medical dictionary