- step rate
- ступенчато-пропорциональная тарифная ставка (на газ)
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
step rate — noun : a rate that changes by regular gradations: as a. : a life insurance premium rate that increases or decreases each year b. : a utilities rate whereby an increase in unit consumption results in a decrease in unit price … Useful english dictionary
step rate method — A recognized method of fixing rates of fraternal life insurance based on the principle that the insured pays only so much as the society may require to meet its death losses for that year in the membership age of the insured … Ballentine's law dictionary
step — [step] n. [ME steppe < OE stepe, akin to Ger stapf < IE base * steb(h) , post (> STAMP): basic sense “to stamp feet”] 1. the act of moving and placing the foot forward, backward, sideways, up, or down, as in walking, dancing, or climbing … English World dictionary
step*/*/*/ — [step] noun [C] I 1) a movement made by putting one foot in front of the other, or the sound that your feet make while you are walking I could hear the steps coming closer.[/ex] The postbox is just a few steps from my front door.[/ex] Tom took a… … Dictionary for writing and speaking English
rate-determining step — noun (chem eng) The step, in a process involving a series of consecutive steps, with the slowest rate, largely determining the overall rate of the process • • • Main Entry: ↑rate … Useful english dictionary
step — /step/ noun a movement forward ● Becoming assistant to the MD is a step up the promotion ladder. ♦ in step with moving at the same rate as ● The pound rose in step with the dollar. ♦ out of step with not moving at the same rate as ● The pound was … Dictionary of banking and finance
step-up — /step up /, adj. 1. effecting an increase. 2. Elect. serving to increase voltage: a step up transformer. 3. (of a lease) allowing for gradual rent increases to the highest amount permissible. n. 4. an increase or rise in the rate or quantity of… … Universalium
step-down — step′ down adj. 1) elm serving to decrease voltage: a step down transformer[/ex] 2) a decrease or reduction in rate or quantity • Etymology: 1890–95 … From formal English to slang
step-up — step′ up adj. 1) effecting an increase 2) elm serving to increase voltage: a step up transformer[/ex] 3) bus an increase or rise in rate or quantity • Etymology: 1890–95 … From formal English to slang
Rate-determining step — The rate determining step (RDS) is a chemistry term for the slowest step in a chemical reaction. The rate determining step is often compared to the neck of a funnel; the rate at which water flows through the funnel is determined by the width of… … Wikipedia
step — step1 [ step ] noun *** ▸ 1 movement of foot ▸ 2 one of series of actions ▸ 3 for walking up/down ▸ 4 stage/level on scale ▸ 5 between musical notes ▸ + PHRASES 1. ) count a short movement made by putting one foot in front of the other: take/move … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English