- stenotypy
- спец. стенотипи (специальное) стенотипия
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
stenotypy — [sten′ətī΄pē] n. a form of shorthand based on a phonetic system in which letters and combinations of letters representing sounds, words, or phrases are produced on a keyboard machine: used primarily by court reporters stenotypist n … English World dictionary
stenotypy — stenotypic /sten euh tip ik/, adj. stenotypist, n. /sten euh tuy pee/, n. shorthand in which alphabetic letters or types are used to produce shortened forms of words or groups of words. [1890 95; STENOTYPE + Y3] * * * System of machine shorthand… … Universalium
stenotypy — noun see stenotype … New Collegiate Dictionary
stenotypy — steno·typy … English syllables
stenotypy — sten•o•typ•y [[t]ˈstɛn əˌtaɪ pi[/t]] n. shorthand in which symbols are used to produce shortened forms of words or phrases • Etymology: 1890–95; steno ( graphy) + type+ y III sten o•typ′ic ˈtɪp ɪk adj … From formal English to slang
stenotypy — /ˈstɛnəˌtaɪpi/ (say stenuh.tuypee) noun shorthand in which alphabetic letters or types are used to produced shortened forms of words or groups of words. {stenotyp(e) + y3} …
stenotypy — pē, pi noun ( es) Etymology: stenotype (I) + y : a phonographic writing using ordinary script or printed letters … Useful english dictionary
sten|o|typ|ist — «STEHN uh TY pihst», noun. a person who is skilled in stenotypy, especially one whose work is to write in stenotypy or on a stenotype … Useful english dictionary
stenotype — noun Etymology: steno (as in stenography) + type Date: 1913 a small machine somewhat like a typewriter used to record speech by means of phonograms • stenotype transitive verb • stenotypist noun • stenotypy noun … New Collegiate Dictionary
shorthand — /shawrt hand /, n. 1. a method of rapid handwriting using simple strokes, abbreviations, or symbols that designate letters, words, or phrases (distinguished from longhand). 2. a simplified or makeshift manner or system of communication: We spoke… … Universalium
Maschinenkurzschrift — Maschinenkurzschrift, eine Abkürzungsschrift, die im Gegensatz zur Stenografie die Buchstaben der »Langschrift« beibehält, jedoch durch die Verwendung von Buchstabenzusätzen und bestimmten Verkürzungsregeln eine relative Schriftkürze erhält.… … Universal-Lexikon