Смотреть что такое "stenchy" в других словарях:
Stenchy — Stench y, a. Having a stench. [Obs.] Dyer. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
stenchy — adjective Having a stench or foul odour, malodorous. Soon, the incessant wind would dry the stenchy wallow to corduroyed cement … Wiktionary
stenchy — adjective see stench … New Collegiate Dictionary
stenchy — ˈstenchē adjective ( er/ est) Etymology: stench (I) + y : having a stench … Useful english dictionary
Mr.Stenchy — An irresistibly cute pink experiment with a big head and a small body. Designed to trick his enemies into taking him into their homes. Once there, Mr. Stenchy lets out a noxious odor, released 42 hours after activation. Mr. Stenchy’s one true… … Wikipedia
Lilo \x26 Stitch: la serie — Lilo Stitch: la serie Saltar a navegación, búsqueda Lilo Stitch: The series Título Lilo Stitch: La serie Género Serie animada Creado por Chris Sanders Presentado por Walt Disney Television Animation Reparto … Wikipedia Español
List of Lilo & Stitch: The Series episodes — The following is a list of episodes of the Lilo Stitch television series. Note: Stitch, experiment 626, appears in every episode, so he is not included in the Experiments Mentioned list. Contents 1 Season 1: 2003–2004 2 Season 2: 2004–2006 3… … Wikipedia
Lilo & Stitch: The Series — Este artículo o sección necesita referencias que aparezcan en una publicación acreditada, como revistas especializadas, monografías, prensa diaria o páginas de Internet fidedignas. Puedes añadirlas así o avisar … Wikipedia Español
List of experiments from Lilo & Stitch — Kixx redirects here. For the soccer team, see Philadelphia Kixx. Image of experiment 626, also known as Stitch. The most popular of the experiments. This is a list of experiments from the Disney animated Lilo Stitch franchise, a series of… … Wikipedia
Machine Empire — The Machine Empire is a group of robotic villains in the Power Rangers universe, who first appeared in the television show Power Rangers Zeo and were later mentioned in Power Rangers in Space and Power Rangers Wild Force. Contents 1 History 2… … Wikipedia
Monstruos de Power Rangers — Anexo:Monstruos de Power Rangers Saltar a navegación, búsqueda Los monstruos es un término que se usa para los secuaces de los villanos de Power Rangers. Los villanos usan a monstruos para destruir a los Power Rangers. Los monstruos son creados… … Wikipedia Español