
(американизм) часы с заводной головкой (сленг) парень, что надо отличная, классная штука (разговорное) пылкий оратор;
демагог пылкое, демагогическое выступление

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "stem-winder" в других словарях:

  • Stem-winder — Stem wind er, n. 1. A stem winding watch. [Colloq.] [1913 Webster] 2. Hence: (Fig.) Anything of superior quality, as was attributed to the stem winding watch; esp. used to describe a stirring speech, as in the phrase a stem winder of a speech or… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • stem-winder — stem wind·er (stĕmʹwīn dər) n. 1. A stem winding watch. 2. A rousing oration, especially a political one. * * * …   Universalium

  • stem-winder — noun Date: 1875 1. a stem winding watch 2. [from the superiority of the stem winding watch over the older key wound watch] one that is first rate of its kind; especially a stirring speech …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • stem-winder — /ˈstɛm waɪndə/ (say stem wuynduh) noun a watch wound by turning a knob at the stem …  

  • stem-winder — noun a) A watch that is wound up by turning a small knob (at the stem) b) A rousing speech, especially by a politician …   Wiktionary

  • stem-winder — noun N. Amer. 1》 informal a rousing speech. 2》 a watch wound by turning a knob on the end of a stem …   English new terms dictionary

  • stem-winder — noun a watch that is wound by turning a knob at the stem • Hypernyms: ↑watch, ↑ticker …   Useful english dictionary

  • stem — {{11}}stem (n.) O.E. stemn, stefn stem of a plant, also either end post of a ship, from P.Gmc. *stamniz (Cf. O.S. stamm, O.N. stafn stem of a ship; Dan. stamme, Swed. stam trunk of a tree; O.H.G. stam, Ger. Stamm), from PIE root *sta …   Etymology dictionary

  • stem — 1. n. & v. n. 1 the main body or stalk of a plant or shrub, usu. rising into light, but occasionally subterranean. 2 the stalk supporting a fruit, flower, or leaf, and attaching it to a larger branch, twig, or stalk. 3 a stem shaped part of an… …   Useful english dictionary

  • stem — I n 1. stalk, trunk, caudex, culm, Brit. haulm, cane, colamus, quill, Bot. caulis, Bot. caulicle, Bot. axis; leafstalk, Bot. petiole, Bot. petiolule, Biol. pedicle, Bot. pedicel, Both Bot., Zool. footstalk, peduncle, Both Bot. funicle, funiculus …   A Note on the Style of the synonym finder

  • stemwinder — /stem wuyn deuhr/, n. 1. a stemwinding watch. 2. Older Slang. a. something remarkable of its kind. b. a rousing speech, esp. a stirring political address. c. a stirring orator. Also, stem winder. [1865 70, Amer.; STEM1 + WINDER] * * * stemˈwīnder …   Useful english dictionary

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