Смотреть что такое "stem-like" в других словарях:
stem-like — resembling a stem, similar to a stem … English contemporary dictionary
stem´like´ — … Useful english dictionary
stem — I [[t]stɛm[/t]] n. v. stemmed, stem•ming 1) bot the ascending axis of a plant, whether above or below ground, which ordinarily grows in an opposite direction to the root 2) bot the stalk that supports a leaf, flower, or fruit 3) bot a stalk of… … From formal English to slang
Stem cell research policy — Stem cell research policy, a controversial topic, varies significantly throughout the world. There are overlapping jurisdictions of international organizations, nations, and states or provinces. Some government policies determine what is allowed… … Wikipedia
Stem cell niche — is a phrase loosely used in the scientific community to describe the microenvironment in which stem cells are found, which interacts with stem cells to regulate stem cell fate. The word niche can be in reference to the in vivo or in vitro stem… … Wikipedia
Stem mixing and mastering — Stem mixing is a method of mixing audio material based on creating groups of audio tracks and processing them separately prior to combining them into a final master mix. This technique originated in the sixties with the introduction of mixing… … Wikipedia
stem — stem1 [stem] n. [ME < OE stemn, stefn, akin to Ger stamm, tree trunk < IE base * stebh , post, pole > STEP, STAFF1] 1. the main upward growing axis of a plant, having nodes and bearing leaves, usually extending in a direction opposite to … English World dictionary
Stem Fort India B&B — (Нью Дели,Индия) Категория отеля: Адрес: A 18, Sec 19, Rohini, 110085 Нью Дели … Каталог отелей
Stem rust (barley) — Stem rust is a fungal disease of barley caused by Puccinia graminis f.sp. tritici and Puccinia graminis f.sp. secalis .cite book last = Mathre first = D.E. title = Compendium of barley diseases publisher = American Phytopathological Society date … Wikipedia
stem|my — «STEHM ee», adjective, mi|er, mi|est. 1. having or bearing many stems: »stemmy bluegrasses. 2. like a stem; long and slender … Useful english dictionary
Stem cell — Mouse embryonic st … Wikipedia