steep ascent
Смотреть что такое "steep ascent" в других словарях:
steep ascent — climbing up something with a sharp inclination, inclined ascension which is difficult to perform … English contemporary dictionary
Steep — Steep, a. [Compar. {Steeper} ( [ e]r); superl. {Steepest}.] [OE. steep, step, AS. ste[ a]p; akin to Icel. steyp[eth]r steep, and st[=u]pa to stoop, Sw. stupa to fall, to tilt; cf. OFries. stap high. Cf. {Stoop}, v. i., {Steep}, v. t., {Steeple}.] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
ascent — noun 1 act of climbing/moving up ADJECTIVE ▪ gradual, slow VERB + ASCENT ▪ make ▪ The climbers made their ascent of the mountain without oxygen. ▪ begin … Collocations dictionary
ascent — n. 1) to make an ascent (to make the ascent of a mountain) 2) a gradual; steep ascent * * * [ə sent] steep ascent a gradual to make an ascent (to make the ascent of a mountain) … Combinatory dictionary
ascent — /euh sent /, n. 1. an act of ascending; upward movement; a rising movement: the ascent of a balloon. 2. movement upward from a lower to a higher state, degree, grade, or status; advancement: His ascent to the governorship came after a long… … Universalium
ascent — as|cent [əˈsent] n 1.) [C usually singular] the act of climbing something or moving upwards ≠ ↑descent ▪ the first ascent of Everest 2.) [C usually singular] a path or way up to the top of something, for example a mountain ≠ ↑descent ▪ a rugged… … Dictionary of contemporary English
ascent — as•cent [[t]əˈsɛnt[/t]] n. 1) the act of ascending; a rising or climbing movement 2) movement upward from a lower to a higher state, degree, grade, or status; advancement 3) a way or means of ascending; upward slope; acclivity 4) the degree of… … From formal English to slang
steep — adj Steep, abrupt, precipitous, sheer mean having an incline approaching the perpendicular. The words are here arranged in ascending order of degree of perpendicularity. Steep implies so sharp a slope or pitch that ascent or descent is difficult… … New Dictionary of Synonyms
steep — steep1 [stēp] adj. [ME < OE steap, lofty, high, akin to OFris steep, MHG stouf, cliff (as in Ger Hohenstaufen) < IE * steup < base * (s)teu , to strike, butt > STOCK, STUB, L tundere, to strike] 1. having a sharp rise or highly… … English World dictionary
Steep — Steep, n. A precipitous place, hill, mountain, rock, or ascent; any elevated object sloping with a large angle to the plane of the horizon; a precipice. Dryden. [1913 Webster] We had on each side naked rocks and mountains broken into a thousand… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
steep — I. adjective Etymology: Middle English stepe, from Old English stēap high, steep, deep; akin to Old Frisian stāp steep, Middle High German stief more at stoop Date: before 12th century 1. lofty, high used chiefly of a sea 2. making a large angle… … New Collegiate Dictionary