- stealth virus
- вирус-невидимка (маскирующий присутствие своей копии в тестируемом файле)
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
stealth virus — slaptasis virusas statusas T sritis informatika apibrėžtis ↑Kompiuterių virusas, kuris užkrėtęs kompiuterį naikina savo pėdsakus, pavyzdžiui, modifikuoja užkrėsto kompiuterio duomenis taip, kad atrodytų, jog failų dydžiai ir atminties kiekis… … Enciklopedinis kompiuterijos žodynas
Stealth virus (computers) — In computer science, a stealth virus is a file virus, that uses special techniques to hide its presence from users and virus scanners. This is achieved by intercepting the read request to the file and returning the content of the original read… … Wikipedia
stealth virus — A form of virus that attempts to hide from antivirus software and from the operating system by remaining in memory. See also boot sector virus; file infecting virus; macro virus; multipart virus; polymorphic virus; Trojan Horse; vaccine … Dictionary of networking
Stealth — may refer to:Stealth technology, technology used to conceal ships, aircraft, and missiles *Stealth aircraft, aircraft which use stealth technology *Stealth ship, ships which use stealth technology *Stealth mode, secretive business behavior… … Wikipedia
Stealth-adapted virus — The term stealth adapted virus is used to describe cell damaging (cytopathic) viruses that lack genes coding for antigens targeted by the cellular immune system. Infection with stealth adapted viruses do not evoke the inflammatory reaction… … Wikipedia
virus — A program intended to damage a computer system without the user s knowledge or permission. A virus clones itself from disk to disk or from system to system over a network. Numbers are hard to come by, but certain authorities claim that… … Dictionary of networking
Virus — Computervirus * * * Vi|rus [ vi:rʊs], das, nicht fachsprachlich auch: der; , Viren [ vi:rən]: 1. kleinster, auf lebendem Gewebe gedeihender Krankheitserreger: ein gefährliches Virus; diese Krankheit, die Grippe wird durch Viren hervorgerufen,… … Universal-Lexikon
multipart virus — A form of virus that infects both the boot sector of a hard disk and executable files. Multipart viruses are difficult to locate because they use stealth and polymorphic techniques to avoid detection. See also boot sector virus; file… … Dictionary of networking
polymorphic virus — A form of virus that can change its appearance to avoid detection. The virus encrypts itself using a special formula each time an infection occurs. Virus detecting software uses special scanning techniques to find and remove polymorphic… … Dictionary of networking
boot sector virus — A virus that infects the master boot record of a computer by overwriting the original boot code with infected boot code. This kind of virus is usually spread to a hard disk from an infected floppy disk being used as a boot disk. See also… … Dictionary of networking
file-infecting virus — Any virus that infects files on disk, usually executable files with filename extensions of .COM, .EXE, and .OVL. An unexpected change in the file size may indicate an infection. In certain cases, the original program is replaced with a new… … Dictionary of networking