steal a nap
Смотреть что такое "steal a nap" в других словарях:
steal — [c]/stil / (say steel) verb (stole, stolen, stealing) –verb (t) 1. to take or take away dishonestly or wrongfully, especially secretly. 2. to appropriate (ideas, credit, words, etc.) without right or acknowledgement. 3. to take, get, or win by… …
-nap — [nap] [< (KID)NAP] combining form forming verbscombining form to seize and carry away; steal: often in nonce combinations [dognap, petnap] … English World dictionary
nap´less — nap1 «nap», noun, verb, napped, nap|ping. –n. a short sleep, especially one taken during the day; doze; snooze. ╂[< verb] –v.i. 1. to take a short sleep; … Useful english dictionary
-nap — a combining form extracted from kidnap, with the general sense abduct or steal in order to collect a ransom : artnap; petnap; starnap. * * * … Universalium
-nap — aff. a combining form extracted from kidnap, with the general sense “abduct or steal in order to collect a ransom”: artnap; petnap; starnap[/ex] … From formal English to slang
-nap — a combining form extracted from kidnap, with the general sense abduct or steal in order to collect a ransom : artnap; petnap; starnap … Useful english dictionary
kid´nap|er — kid|nap «KIHD nap», transitive verb, napped, nap|ping or naped, nap|ing. to steal or carry off (anyone, especially a child) by force; seize and hold (a person) against his will by force or by fraud: »Four men kidnapped the boy, but the police… … Useful english dictionary
kid´nap|per — kid|nap «KIHD nap», transitive verb, napped, nap|ping or naped, nap|ing. to steal or carry off (anyone, especially a child) by force; seize and hold (a person) against his will by force or by fraud: »Four men kidnapped the boy, but the police… … Useful english dictionary
kid|nap — «KIHD nap», transitive verb, napped, nap|ping or naped, nap|ing. to steal or carry off (anyone, especially a child) by force; seize and hold (a person) against his will by force or by fraud: »Four men kidnapped the boy, but the police soon caught … Useful english dictionary
dog´nap|er — dog|nap «DG nap, DOG », transitive verb, intransitive verb, napped, nap|ping or naped, nap|ing. to steal (a dog or dogs) to collect ransom or to sell them. –dog´nap|per, –dog´nap|er, noun … Useful english dictionary
dog´nap|per — dog|nap «DG nap, DOG », transitive verb, intransitive verb, napped, nap|ping or naped, nap|ing. to steal (a dog or dogs) to collect ransom or to sell them. –dog´nap|per, –dog´nap|er, noun … Useful english dictionary