Смотреть что такое "stay-put" в других словарях:
stay put — {v. phr.} To stay in place; not leave. * /Harry s father told him to stay put until he came back./ * /The rocks can be glued to the bulletin board to make them stay put./ * /After Grandmother came home from her trip to visit Aunt May, she said… … Dictionary of American idioms
stay put — {v. phr.} To stay in place; not leave. * /Harry s father told him to stay put until he came back./ * /The rocks can be glued to the bulletin board to make them stay put./ * /After Grandmother came home from her trip to visit Aunt May, she said… … Dictionary of American idioms
stay put — stay where you are, do not move He took his dog out of the store and said, Sit! Stay put! … English idioms
stay put — stay in one place, not leave We decided to stay put for our holidays rather than go away … Idioms and examples
stay put — ► stay put remain somewhere without moving. Main Entry: ↑stay … English terms dictionary
stay put — verb stay put (in a certain place) (Freq. 2) We are staying in Detroit; we are not moving to Cincinnati Stay put in the corner here! Stick around and you will learn something! • Syn: ↑stay, ↑stick, ↑stick around … Useful english dictionary
stay\ put — v. phr. To stay in place; not leave. Harry s father told him to stay put until he came back. The rocks can be glued to the bulletin board to make them stay put. After Grandmother came home from her trip to visit Aunt May, she said she wanted to… … Словарь американских идиом
stay put — to stay where you are. Just stay put until I get the car … New idioms dictionary
stay put — verb To remain in one fixed place Im not moving there, Id rather stay put … Wiktionary
stay put — spoken to remain in one place or position Stay put. I ll be back in a minute … English dictionary
stay put — Synonyms and related words: abide, adhere, agglomerate, be still, be unflappable, bunch, clasp, cleave, clinch, cling, cling to, clot, cluster, coagulate, coast, cohere, congeal, conglomerate, embrace, freeze, freeze to, get home free, grasp,… … Moby Thesaurus