status word
Смотреть что такое "status word" в других словарях:
status word — būsenos žodis statusas T sritis automatika atitikmenys: angl. status word vok. Statuswort, n; Zustandswort, n rus. слово состояния, n pranc. mot d état, m … Automatikos terminų žodynas
Program status word — In computers, the program status word (PSW) is an area of memory or a hardware register which contains information about program state used by the operating system and the underlying hardware. It will normally include a pointer (address) to the… … Wikipedia
program status word — programos būsenos žodis statusas T sritis automatika atitikmenys: angl. program status word vok. Programmstatuswort, n; Programmzustandwort, n rus. слово состояния программы, n pranc. mot d état du programme, m … Automatikos terminų žodynas
Processor Status Word — Das Statusregister (auch Zustandsregister, engl. Condition Code Register, CCR) ist ein spezielles Register im Steuerwerk eines Mikroprozessors. Da man diese Bits auch als Flags bezeichnet, wird das Statusregister auch Flagregister genannt. Es… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Status register — A status register or flag register (also: condition code register, program status word, PSW, etc.) is a collection of flag bits for a processor. An example is the FLAGS register of the x86 architecture. The status register is a hardware register… … Wikipedia
Status bar — A status bar, similar to a status line, is an information area typically found at the bottom of windows in a graphical user interface.A status bar is sometimes divided into sections, each of which shows different information. Its job is primarily … Wikipedia
Status constructus — The status constructus or construct state is a noun form occurring in Afro Asiatic languages. It is particularly common in Semitic languages (such as Arabic and Hebrew), Berber languages, and in the extinct Egyptian language. It occurs when a… … Wikipedia
Word of Faith — For a related article, see Prosperity theology. Word of Faith (also known as Word Faith or simply Faith) is a family of Christian churches[1] as well as a label applied by some observers to a teaching movement kindred to many Pentecostal and… … Wikipedia
word — /wɜd / (say werd) noun 1. a sound or a combination of sounds, or its written or printed representation, used in any language as the sign of a concept. 2. Grammar an element which can stand alone as an utterance, not divisible into two or more… …
Word of God (community) — The Word of God is an ecumenical, charismatic, missionary Christian community that started in Ann Arbor, Michigan. It is composed of Christians from many different church backgrounds. The Word of God began in 1967 as an evangelistic outreach to… … Wikipedia
Word Riot — Infobox Website name = Word Riot / Word Riot Press url = type = Consumer language = English launch date = 2002 current status = Print Online Word Riot is an online magazine that publishes poetry, flash fiction, creative… … Wikipedia