Смотреть что такое "statocyst" в других словарях:
statocyst — [stat′əsist΄] n. [< Gr statos, standing < histanai, to STAND + CYST] 1. Bot. a plant cell containing plastids, starch grains, or other statoliths 2. Zool. a sense organ found in many invertebrate animals, consisting typically of a fluid… … English World dictionary
Statocyst — The statocyst is a balance organ present in some aquatic invertebrates (Cnidarians, Ctenophores, Bilaterians). It consists of a sac like structure containing a mineralised mass (statolith) and numerous innervated sensory hairs (setae). The… … Wikipedia
statocyst — Cavity filled with fluid and particles acting as organ of orientation [Poore, 2004]. Diminutive organ providing sense of balance [McLaughlin, 1980]. Organ of balance at base of antennular peduncle in brachyurans [Ingle, 1992]. Sensory organ of… … Crustacea glossary
statocyst — noun Etymology: International Scientific Vocabulary Date: 1902 an organ of equilibrium occurring especially among invertebrate animals and consisting usually of a fluid filled vesicle lined with sensory hairs that detect the position of suspended … New Collegiate Dictionary
statocyst — n. [Gr. statos, fixed; kystis, bladder] An organ of balance found in many invertebrates, variable in structure from an open canal, vesicle, or closed chambers composed of one to many cells (lithocytes), that contains a concretion of granules of… … Dictionary of invertebrate zoology
statocyst — An organ for the perception of gravity and thus body orientation, found in many invertebrate animals; a cavity lined with sensory cells and containing a statolith … Dictionary of molecular biology
statocyst — /stat euh sist /, n. Zool. (in certain invertebrates) a sense organ consisting of a sac enclosing sensory hairs and particles of sand, lime, etc., that functions in maintaining equilibrium, serving to indicate position in space. [1900 05; stato… … Universalium
statocyst — noun A balance organ present in some aquatic invertebrates, consisting of a sac like structure containing a statolith and numerous innervated setae … Wiktionary
statocyst — n. organ which serves to maintain equilibrium in certain invertebrates (Zoology) … English contemporary dictionary
statocyst — noun Zoology an organ of balance and orientation in some aquatic invertebrates … English new terms dictionary
statocyst — stato·cyst … English syllables