Смотреть что такое "stative" в других словарях:
stative — STATÍVE s.f. pl. (reg.) 1. Război de ţesut manual. ♢ expr. A pune pânza în stative cu cineva = a lucra în tovărăşie cu cineva, a se asocia cu cineva. 2. Instrument cu ajutorul căruia se întinde pielea vitelor tăiate, spre a fi curăţată de păr,… … Dicționar Român
Stative — (für geodätische Instrumente) sind Dreibeine von etwa 1,25 m Höhe mit einem Kopfe zur Beteiligung des Instruments. Die Konstruktion ist abhängig von Größe, Gewicht und Bauart des zu tragenden Instruments. Für Höhenmesser, Winkelköpfe und ähnliche … Lexikon der gesamten Technik
Stative — Sta tive (st[=a] t[i^]v), a. [L. stativus, fr. stare, statum, to stand.] (Mil.) Of or pertaining to a fixed camp, or military posts or quarters. [Obs. or R.] [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
stative — [stāt′iv] adj. Gram. of or designating a class of verbs that express a state or condition (Ex.: I have the keys; Sue is a lawyer; I know the facts), rather than an action … English World dictionary
stative — sta|tive [ˈsteıtıv] adj technical a stative verb describes a state rather than an action or event, and is not usually used in ↑progressive 1(3) forms, for example belong in the sentence this book belongs to me … Dictionary of contemporary English
stative — adjective technical a stative verb describes a state rather than an action or event, and is not usually used in progressive 1 (3) forms, for example belong in the sentence this book belongs to me … Longman dictionary of contemporary English
Stative verb — A stative verb is one which asserts that one of its arguments has a particular property (possibly in relation to its other arguments). Statives differ from other aspectual classes of verbs in that they are static; they have no duration and no… … Wikipedia
stative — adjective Date: 1874 expressing a state, condition, or relation compare active 3b … New Collegiate Dictionary
stative — /stay tiv/, adj. Gram. (of a verb) expressing a state or condition, as like, want, or believe, and usually used in simple, not progressive, tenses: I liked them. I want some. I will never believe it. Cf. nonstative. [1625 35; < NL stativus, L,… … Universalium
stative — adjective asserting that a subject has a particular property Syn: descriptive Ant: dynamic … Wiktionary
státive — s. f. pl … Romanian orthography