stationary generator

stationary generator
стационарный генератор

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "stationary generator" в других словарях:

  • Stationary fuel cell applications — (or stationary fuel cell power systems) are stationary (Not moving) fuel cell applications that are either connected to the electric grid (distributed generation) to provide supplemental power and as emergency power system for critical areas, or… …   Wikipedia

  • Stationary engine — A stationary engine is an engine whose framework does not move. It is normally used not to propel a vehicle but to drive a piece of immobile equipment such as a pump or power tool.This article concentrates on oil burning or internal combustion… …   Wikipedia

  • generator potential — gen·er·a·tor potential jen ə .rāt ər n stationary depolarization of a receptor that occurs in response to a stimulus and is graded according to its intensity and that results in an action potential when the appropriate threshold is reached called …   Medical dictionary

  • Boiler (steam generator) — Contents 1 Steam generator (component of prime mover) 2 Boiler types 2.1 Haycock and wagon top boilers …   Wikipedia

  • Electric generator — U.S. NRC image of a modern steam turbine generator In electricity generation, an electric generator is a device that converts mechanical energy to electrical energy. A generator forces electric charge (usually carried by electrons) to flow… …   Wikipedia

  • electric generator — ▪ instrument Introduction also called  dynamo,         any machine that converts mechanical energy to electricity for transmission and distribution over power lines to domestic, commercial, and industrial customers. Generators also produce the… …   Universalium

  • Engine-generator — An engine generator is the combination of an electrical generator and an engine (prime mover) mounted together to form a single piece of equipment. This combination is also called an engine generator set or a gen set . In many contexts, the… …   Wikipedia

  • Electrical generator — In electricity generation, an electrical generator is a device that converts mechanical energy to electrical energy, generally using electromagnetic induction. The reverse conversion of electrical energy into mechanical energy is done by a motor …   Wikipedia

  • Diesel generator — A Cummins diesel generator of 500kVA in a tourist resort in Egypt …   Wikipedia

  • Nitrogen generator — Nitrogen generators and stations are stationary or mobile air to nitrogen production complexes. In advanced economies, membrane nitrogen plants have almost ousted alternative processes of nitrogen generation in all cases where nitrogen is not… …   Wikipedia

  • Wood gas generator — A wood gas generator often known as a gasifier, is a wood fueled gasification reactor mounted on an internal combustion engine, to provide a wood gas, a form of syngas. These devices are also known as gas producers. History Shortages of petroleum …   Wikipedia

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