static temperature
Смотреть что такое "static temperature" в других словарях:
Static timing analysis — is a method of computing the expected timing of a digital circuit without requiring simulation. High performance integrated circuits have traditionally been characterized by the clock frequency at which they operate.Gauging the ability of a… … Wikipedia
Static analysis — Static analysis, static projection, and static scoring are pejorative terms for statistical analyses for which existing trends are projected into the future simplistically, or beyond what is possible to predict in any manner, producing results… … Wikipedia
Static random access memory — (SRAM) is a type of semiconductor memory where the word static indicates that, unlike dynamic RAM (DRAM), it does not need to be periodically refreshed, as SRAM uses bistable latching circuitry to store each bit. SRAM exhibits data remanence,cite … Wikipedia
Static electricity — For the science of static charges see Electrostatics Static electricity refers to the accumulation of excess electric charge in a region with poor electrical conductivity (an insulator), such that the charge accumulation persists. The effects of… … Wikipedia
static air temperature — statinė oro temperatūra statusas T sritis Gynyba apibrėžtis Oro temperatūra taške, kuris yra ramybės būsenos, palyginti su aplinkos oru. atitikmenys: angl. static air temperature pranc. température de l’air statique … NATO terminų aiškinamasis žodynas
température de l’air statique — statinė oro temperatūra statusas T sritis Gynyba apibrėžtis Oro temperatūra taške, kuris yra ramybės būsenos, palyginti su aplinkos oru. atitikmenys: angl. static air temperature pranc. température de l’air statique … NATO terminų aiškinamasis žodynas
static air temperature — The temperature at a point at rest relative to the ambient air … Military dictionary
Stagnation temperature — is the temperature at a stagnation point in a fluid flow. At a stagnation point the speed of the fluid is zero and all of the kinetic energy has been converted to internal energy and is added to the local static enthalpy. In incompressible fluid… … Wikipedia
total temperature — The temperature of a fluid that is stopped from its motion. It is the sum of the static temperature of the fluid and the temperature caused by the ram effect as the fluid is stopped … Aviation dictionary
Total air temperature — is a term used generally in aviation. In other applications it is called stagnation temperature. Total air temperature is measured by a specially designed temperature probe mounted on the surface of the aircraft. The probe is designed to bring… … Wikipedia
Moist static energy — The moist static energy is a thermodynamic variable that describes the state of an air parcel, and is similar to the equivalent potential temperature.[1] The moist static energy is a combination of a parcels kinetic energy due to an air parcel s… … Wikipedia