statement analysis
Смотреть что такое "statement analysis" в других словарях:
Statement analysis — is a learned technique, utilised to examine a person s words todetect for concealed information, missing information and whether the information that person provided is true or false. Anytime someone who is lying or withholding sensitive… … Wikipedia
Financial Statement Analysis — The process of reviewing and evaluating a company’s financial statements (such as the balance sheet or profit and loss statement), thereby gaining an understanding of the financial health of the company and enabling more effective decision… … Investment dictionary
financial-statement analysis — Analysis of the financial statements of a company to assess its position and performance. The standard analysis will consider the business from the perspectives of managerial performance, liquidity, and stock exchange performance. See accounting… … Big dictionary of business and management
financial statement analysis — An analysis of the financial statements of a business to assess its performance and position. Ratios are normally calculated from the financial statements to assess the profitability, solvency, working capital management, liquidity, and capital… … Accounting dictionary
Statement veracity analysis — There are three principal disciplines of Statement Veracity Analysis.1) Criteria Based Content Analysis ( CBCA)2) Statement Content Analysis ( SCAN ) ª3) Scientific Content Analysis ( SCAN )The study of Statement Analysis is the study of Verbal… … Wikipedia
Analysis — • The process by which anything complex is resolved into simple, or at least less complex parts or elements Catholic Encyclopedia. Kevin Knight. 2006. Analysis Analysis … Catholic encyclopedia
statement of cash flows — USA statement of cash flows, Also known as cash flow statement. In financial accounting, a financial statement that shows a company s incoming and outgoing money (sources and uses of cash) during a time period (often quarterly or annually). The… … Law dictionary
analysis — [ə nal′ə sis] n. pl. analyses [ə nal′əsēz΄] [ML < Gr, a dissolving < ana , up, throughout + lysis, a loosing < lyein, to loose: see LOSE] 1. a) a separating or breaking up of any whole into its parts, esp. with an examination of these… … English World dictionary
analysis — [n1] examination and determination assay, breakdown, dissection, dissolution, division, inquiry, investigation, partition, reasoning, resolution, scrutiny, search, separation, study, subdivision, test; concepts 24,103 analysis [n2] statement of… … New thesaurus
financial statement analysis — Evaluation of a firm s financial statements in order to assess the firm s worth and its ability to meet its financial obligations. Bloomberg Financial Dictionary … Financial and business terms
financial statement analysis — examination of a business financial data in order to determine its economic situation … English contemporary dictionary