- state-owned
- принадлежащий государству state-owned принадлежащий государству
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
state-owned — ˈstate owned adjective ECONOMICS a state owned industry or company is owned by the government; = government owned; publicly owned: • the French state owned airline, Air France * * * state owned UK US adjective ECONOMICS, GOVERNMENT … Financial and business terms
state-owned — / steɪt əυnd/ adjective owned by the state or by a state ▪▪▪ ‘…state owned banks cut their prime rates a percentage point to 11%’ [Wall Street Journal] … Dictionary of banking and finance
state-owned — adj. State owned is used with these nouns: ↑airline, ↑business, ↑company, ↑enterprise, ↑industry, ↑monopoly, ↑utility … Collocations dictionary
State-owned enterprises of New Zealand — State owned enterprises (SOEs) in New Zealand are registered companies listed under Schedules 1 and 2 of the State Owned Enterprises Act 1986 . Most SOEs are former government departments or agencies that were corporatised.Many other government… … Wikipedia
State-Owned Enterprises in Neuseeland — sind registrierte staatliche Unternehmen, die im Anhang 1 und 2 des State Owned Enterprises Act 1986 gelistet sind. Die meisten State Owned Enterprises (SOE) entstanden aus früheren staatlichen Organisationen, Abteilungen oder Behörden. Liste der … Deutsch Wikipedia
State-Owned Enterprise — Mit State Owned Enterprise (SOE) werden in englischsprachigen Ländern staatseigene Unternehmen bezeichnet, in denen der Staat der größte und bestimmende oder alleinige Shareholder ist. Eine State Owned Enterprise, auch als Government Owned… … Deutsch Wikipedia
State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission of the State Council — The State owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission of the State Council (SASAC) is a special commission of the People s Republic of China, directly under the State Council. It is responsible for managing China s state owned… … Wikipedia
State-Owned Enterprise - SOE — A legal entity that is created by the government in order to partake in commercial activities on the government s behalf. A state owned enterprise (SOE) can be either wholly or partially owned by a government and is typically earmarked to… … Investment dictionary
State-owned Argentine Railway Companies — In 1948 the railway network of Argentina was nationalisation by the president Juan Perón. The previously privately owned French and British railway companies, together with a number of companies that had been nationalised earlier, were formed… … Wikipedia
state-owned land — valstybinė žemė statusas Aprobuotas sritis žemės tvarkymas ir žemės reforma apibrėžtis Lietuvos Respublikos žemės fondo dalis, kuri nėra privati nuosavybė (nesuteikta, neperduota nuosavybėn, grąžinta ar parduota) ir pagal įstatymus nepriklauso… … Lithuanian dictionary (lietuvių žodynas)
state-owned company — company which is under the ownership of the state … English contemporary dictionary