state principle

state principle
принцип, зависящий от состояния системы Syn : endogenous principle

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "state principle" в других словарях:

  • State and Church — • The Church and the State are both perfect societies, that is to say, each essentially aiming at a common good commensurate with the need of mankind at large and ultimate in a generic kind of life, and each juridically competent to provide all… …   Catholic encyclopedia

  • State of New York —     State of New York     † Catholic Encyclopedia ► State of New York     One of the thirteen colonies of Great Britain, which on 4 July, 1776, adopted the Declaration of Independence and became the United States of America.     BOUNDARIES AND… …   Catholic encyclopedia

  • Principle of consent — is a term used in the context of debate on a United Ireland, which states that Northern Ireland s constitutional status (as part of the United Kingdom) cannot change without majority support in Northern Ireland.[1] It is a central theme in the… …   Wikipedia

  • State Guard Association of the United States — Abbreviation SGAUS Formation 1985 Legal status 501(c)(6) …   Wikipedia

  • state — state, the state The state is a distinct set of institutions that has the authority to make the rules which govern society . It has, in the words of Max Weber, a ‘monopoly on legitimate violence’ within a specific territory. Hence, the state… …   Dictionary of sociology

  • State property — is property owned by the state. Such property may also referred to crown property. Common state property include zoos, libraries, schools, and parks; some is reserved for restricted use, such as military bases and research laboratories.Anarcho… …   Wikipedia

  • state immunity — the general principle that one state does not impose civil or criminal liability on another. Thus the head of state or former head of state of a country is normally free from prosecution in another country. However, where a crime is… …   Law dictionary

  • State of Palestine — This article is about the political entity proclaimed in 1988. For other uses, see Palestine (disambiguation). State of Palestine[1][i] دولة فلسطين …   Wikipedia

  • Principle of maximum entropy — This article is about the probability theoretic principle. For the classifier in machine learning, see maximum entropy classifier. For other uses, see maximum entropy (disambiguation). Bayesian statistics Theory Bayesian probability Probability… …   Wikipedia

  • Principle of minimum energy — The principle of minimum energy is essentially a restatement of the second law of thermodynamics. It states that for a closed system, with constant external parameters and entropy, the internal energy will decrease and approach a minimum value at …   Wikipedia

  • Principle of sufficient reason — The principle of sufficient reason (also called the Causal Doctrine) states that anything that happens does so for a definite reason. In virtue of which no fact can be real or no statement true unless it has sufficient reason why it should be… …   Wikipedia

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