Смотреть что такое "statampere" в других словарях:
statampere — /stat am pear, stat am pear /, n. Elect. the electrostatic unit of current, equivalent to 3.3356 × 10 10 ampere and equal to the current produced by an electromotive force of one statvolt acting through a resistance of one statohm. [stat (comb.… … Universalium
statampere — The electrostatic unit of current; the flow of 1 electrostatic unit of charge (1 statcoulomb) per second; equal to 3.335641 × 10−10 ampere. [G. statos, standing (stationary), + ampere] * * * stat·am·pere stat .am pi(ə)r n the cgs electrostatic… … Medical dictionary
statampere — stat·ampere … English syllables
statampere — (ˈ)stad.+ noun Etymology: stat + ampere : the cgs electrostatic unit of current equal to about 3.3×10 10 ampere * * * /stat am pear, stat am pear /, n. Elect. the electrostatic unit of current, equivalent to 3.3356 × 10 10 ampere and equal to the … Useful english dictionary
sA — • statampere … Dictionary of medical acronyms & abbreviations
Centimetre–gram–second system of units — CGS redirects here. For other uses, see CGS (disambiguation). The centimetre–gram–second system (abbreviated CGS or cgs) is a metric system of physical units based on centimetre as the unit of length, gram as a unit of mass, and second as a unit… … Wikipedia
statcoulomb — /stat kooh lom, lohm/, n. Elect. the electrostatic unit of a quantity of electricity, equivalent to 3.3356 × 10 10 coulomb and equal to the quantity of charge transferred in one second across a conductor in which there is a constant current of… … Universalium
stathenry — /stat hen ree/, n., pl. stathenries, stathenrys. Elect. the electrostatic unit of inductance, equivalent to 8.9876 × 1011 henries and equal to the inductance of a circuit in which an electromotive force of one statvolt is produced by a current in … Universalium
statohm — /stat ohm /, n. Elect. the electrostatic unit of resistance, equivalent to 8.9876 × 1011 ohms and equal to the resistance in a conductor in which one statvolt of potential difference produces a current of one statampere. [stat (see STATAMPERE) +… … Universalium
statvolt — /stat vohlt /, n. Elect. the electrostatic unit of electromotive force or potential difference, approximately equivalent to 300 volts and equal to the electromotive force or potential difference that will cause a current of one statampere to flow … Universalium
statcoulomb — (|)stat+ noun Etymology: stat + coulomb : the cgs electrostatic unit of charge equal to about 3.3×10 10 coulomb * * * /stat kooh lom, lohm/, n. Elect. the electrostatic unit of a quantity of electricity, equivalent to 3.3356 × 10 10 coulomb and… … Useful english dictionary