starting manifold

starting manifold
пусковой коллектор (двигателя)

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "starting manifold" в других словарях:

  • manifold, multiform, multiple — Manifold means of many kinds, with the added suggestion that the number involved is not only large but varied and complex: The superintendent of the apartment building had duties that were manifold. Multiform means having many forms of many… …   Dictionary of problem words and expressions

  • Manifold — For other uses, see Manifold (disambiguation). The sphere (surface of a ball) is a two dimensional manifold since it can be represented by a collection of two dimensional maps. In mathematics (specifically in differential geometry and topology),… …   Wikipedia

  • Manifold decomposition — In topology, a branch of mathematics, a manifold M may be decomposed or split by writing M as a combination of smaller pieces. When doing so, one must specify both what those pieces are and how they are put together to form M. Manifold… …   Wikipedia

  • Riemannian manifold — In Riemannian geometry, a Riemannian manifold ( M , g ) (with Riemannian metric g ) is a real differentiable manifold M in which each tangent space is equipped with an inner product g in a manner which varies smoothly from point to point. The… …   Wikipedia

  • Cut locus (Riemannian manifold) — In Riemannian geometry, the cut locus of a point p in a manifold is roughly the set of all other points for which there are multiple minimizing geodesics connecting them from p, but it may contain additional points where the minimizing geodesic… …   Wikipedia

  • List of record labels starting with M — * M.A.C.E. Music * M G Records * M3 Records * Machete Music * Machine Shop Recordings * Machinery Records * MAD Dragon Records * Mad Eye Recordings * Madhouse Records * Madison Records * Magic Circle Music * Magick Eye Records * Magna Carta… …   Wikipedia

  • Ignition system — For other uses, see Ignition system (disambiguation). An ignition system is a system for igniting a fuel air mixture. Ignition systems are well known in the field of internal combustion engines such as those used in petrol (gasoline) engines used …   Wikipedia

  • Fuel injection — Fuel rail connected to the injectors that are mounted just above the intake manifold on a four cylinder engine. Fuel injection …   Wikipedia

  • automobile — automobilist /aw teuh meuh bee list, moh bi list/, n. /aw teuh meuh beel , aw teuh meuh beel , aw teuh moh beel, beuhl/, n. 1. a passenger vehicle designed for operation on ordinary roads and typically having four wheels and a gasoline or diesel… …   Universalium

  • Diesel engine — Diesel engines in a museum Diesel generator on an oil tanker …   Wikipedia

  • Surface — This article discusses surfaces from the point of view of topology. For other uses, see Differential geometry of surfaces, algebraic surface, and Surface (disambiguation). An open surface with X , Y , and Z contours shown. In mathematics,… …   Wikipedia

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