start signal
Смотреть что такое "start signal" в других словарях:
Start signal — In telecommunication, the term start signal has the following meanings: # A signal that prepares a device to receive data or to perform a function. Contrast with A condition. # In asynchronous serial communication, a signal at the beginning of a… … Wikipedia
start signal — paleisties signalas statusas T sritis automatika atitikmenys: angl. actuating signal; startup signal; trigger signal vok. Anlaufsignal, n; Auslöseimpuls, m; Auslösesignal, n rus. запускающий сигнал, m; пусковой сигнал, m pranc. start signal, m … Automatikos terminų žodynas
Start — can refer to multiple topics:* Takeoff, the phase of flight where an aircraft transitions from moving along the ground to flying through the air * Standing start and rolling start, in an auto race * Start signal, in telecommunications * Start… … Wikipedia
start/stop transmission — Asynchronous transmission in which each group of code elements corresponding to an alphabetical signal is preceded by a start signal to prepare the receiving mechanism for the reception and registration of a character, followed by a stop… … IT glossary of terms, acronyms and abbreviations
start — [stärt] vi. [ME sterten < OE styrtan & ON sterta, akin to Ger stürzen, to overthrow < IE * sterd < base * (s)ter , stiff, walk stiffly > STARE, STARVE, STORK] 1. to make a sudden, involuntary or unexpected movement, as when surprised; … English World dictionary
SIGNAL IDUNA PARK — (bis 1. Dezember 2005 Westfalenstadion) Signal Iduna Park vom Fernsehturm aus aufgenommen Daten … Deutsch Wikipedia
Signal-Iduna-Arena — Signal Iduna Park (bis 1. Dezember 2005 Westfalenstadion) Signal Iduna Park vom Fernsehturm aus aufgenommen Daten … Deutsch Wikipedia
Signal-Iduna-Park — (bis 1. Dezember 2005 Westfalenstadion) Signal Iduna Park vom Fernsehturm aus aufgenommen Daten … Deutsch Wikipedia
Signal Iduna Park — Das Stadion vom F … Deutsch Wikipedia
signal — 1 / sIgnFl/ noun (C) 1 a sound or action that you make in order to give information to someone or tell them to do something: signal (for sb) to do sth: A bell began to ring, the 8 o clock signal to start work. | When he closes his book, it s a… … Longman dictionary of contemporary English
Signal Corps in the American Civil War — U.S. Army Signal Corps station on Elk Mountain, Maryland, overlooking the Antietam battlefield. The Signal Corps in the American Civil War comprised two organizations: the U.S. Army Signal Corps, which began with the appointment of Major Albert J … Wikipedia