start out

start out

1) разг. собираться сделать (что-л.) He started out to write a book. ≈ Он собирался написать книгу.
2) отправляться в путь He started out for work an hour ago, hasn't he arrived yet? ≈ Он ушел на работу час назад, разве он еще не пришел?
3) разг. начинать I started out to make the dress by myself, but in the end I had to ask for help. ≈ Я стала сама шить платье, но под конец все-таки попросила помочь мне.
4) начинать говорить The chairman started out by attacking the first speaker. ≈ Выступающий начал с критики предыдущего оратора.
5) начинать профессиональную деятельность (as/in) When did you start out as a lawyer? ≈ Когда вы начали работать юристом?
6) взбудоражить;
вывести из какого-л. состояния The explosion started the whole population of the town out of their sleep. ≈ Взрыв разбудил всех жителей города. отправляться в путь - to * for Moscow выйти /выехать, вылететь/ в Москву - we * at seven мы отправляемся в семь часов (разговорное) начинать говорить - I'll * with introducing you to him начну с того, что познакомлю вас - he started off by pointing to the dangers of rock climbing свое выступление он начал с того, что указал на опасности скалолазания - the dictionary starts off with the letter A словарь начинается с буквы А собираться сделать что-л.;
взяться за что-л. - he started out to write a book он собирался написать книгу

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "start out" в других словарях:

  • start out — {v.} 1. To begin to go somewhere. * /Bill started out for school on his bicycle./ * /Art started out on a voyage around the world./ Compare: SET OUT. 2. To begin a career or life. * /Harry started out as an errand boy in a business office./ * /We …   Dictionary of American idioms

  • start out — {v.} 1. To begin to go somewhere. * /Bill started out for school on his bicycle./ * /Art started out on a voyage around the world./ Compare: SET OUT. 2. To begin a career or life. * /Harry started out as an errand boy in a business office./ * /We …   Dictionary of American idioms

  • start out — start, begin, leave on a journey    Fill the tank with gas and check the oil before you start out …   English idioms

  • start out (or up) — embark on a venture or undertaking. → start …   English new terms dictionary

  • start out — ► start out (or up) embark on a venture or undertaking. Main Entry: ↑start …   English terms dictionary

  • start out — index arise (originate), depart, embark Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 …   Law dictionary

  • start out — phrasal verb [intransitive] Word forms start out : present tense I/you/we/they start out he/she/it starts out present participle starting out past tense started out past participle started out 1) a) to begin as one thing and develop into… …   English dictionary

  • start out — verb 1. take the first step or steps in carrying out an action (Freq. 7) We began working at dawn Who will start? Get working as soon as the sun rises! The first tourists began to arrive in Cambodia He began early in the day Let s get down to… …   Useful english dictionary

  • start\ out — v 1. To begin to go somewhere. Bill started out for school on his bicycle. Art started out on a voyage around the world. Compare: set out 2. To begin a career or life. Harry started out as an errand boy in a business office. We all start out in… …   Словарь американских идиом

  • start out — 1) PHRASAL VERB If someone or something starts out as a particular thing, they are that thing at the beginning although they change later. [V P as n] Daly was a fast talking Irish American who had started out as a salesman... [V P as n] What… …   English dictionary

  • start out — UK US start out Phrasal Verb with start({{}}/stɑːt/ verb ► [I] to begin to do something in business or a job, or to begin your working life in a particular way: »I learned that lesson three years after starting out in the venture capital business …   Financial and business terms

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