- stare decisis
- лат., юр.
1) букв. "стоять на решенном"
2) господствующая сила прецедента (при выработке решения суда)
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Stare decisis — (Anglo Latin pronunciation: /ˈstɛəri dɨˈsaɪsɨs]) is a legal principle by which judges are obliged to respect the precedents established by prior decisions. The words originate from the phrasing of the principle in the Latin maxim Stare decisis et … Wikipedia
stare decisis — sta·re de·ci·sis / ster ē di sī sis, stär ē ; stä rā dā kē sēs/ n [New Latin, to stand by things that have been settled]: the doctrine under which courts adhere to precedent on questions of law in order to insure certainty, consistency, and… … Law dictionary
Stare decisis — [ˈstaːre deːˈkiːsiːs], Lateinisch für „bei früheren Entscheidungen bleiben“, ist ein wichtiges Konzept in der Justiz, insbesondere in dem vom sogenannten Fallrecht dominierten anglo amerikanischen Rechtskreis. Dort darf ein Richter ein früheres… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Stare decisis — es una locución latina, que se traduce interpretativamente como mantenerse con las cosas decididas , utilizada en derecho para referirse a la doctrina según la cual las sentencias dictadas por un tribunal crean precedente judicial y vinculan como … Wikipedia Español
stare decisis — Latin, lit. “to stand by things decided.” … Etymology dictionary
stare decisis — [ster΄ē di sī′sis] n. [L, to stand by things decided] a policy of law that requires courts to abide by laws and precedents previously laid down as applicable to a similar set of facts … English World dictionary
stare decisis — The doctrine or principle that decisions should stand as precedents for guidance in cases arising in the future. A strong judicial policy that the determination of a point of law by a court will generally be followed by a court of the same or a… … Ballentine's law dictionary
Stare decisis — Règle du précédent La règle du précédent ou stare decisis (latin: rester sur la décision) est une règle de droit s appliquant particulièrement dans les pays de common law, c est à dire le Royaume Uni (l Écosse faisant en partie exception), et… … Wikipédia en Français
stare decisis — /stair ee di suy sis/, Law. the doctrine that rules or principles of law on which a court rested a previous decision are authoritative in all future cases in which the facts are substantially the same. [1855 60; < L stare decisis to stand by… … Universalium
Stare Decisis — A Latin term meaning to stand by that which is decided . Stare decisis is a legal principle which dictates that courts cannot disregard the standard. The court must uphold prior decisions. In essence, this legal principle dictates that once a law … Investment dictionary
stare decisis — (latín: que la decisión se mantenga). En el common law, principio jurídico conforme al cual, cuando se trata de cuestiones de derecho los tribunales deben atenerse a la jurisprudencia para asegurar la certeza, coherencia y estabilidad en la… … Enciclopedia Universal