Смотреть что такое "starburst" в других словарях:
Starburst — may refer to:*starburst (astronomy), a generic term to describe a region of space with a much higher than normal star formation *Starburst galaxy *Starburst (confectionery), a brand of chewy, fruit flavored candy. *starburst (Farscape), the… … Wikipedia
Starburst — Ракета и ПУ ПЗРК Starburst компании Shorts на авиасалоне в Фарнборо, 1996 год. Тип … Википедия
Starburst — Saltar a navegación, búsqueda Starburst (originalmente conocido como Opal Fruits) es una marca de caramelos masticables cúbicos con sabor a fruta fabricados por Wrigley, una subsidiaria de Mars, Inc.. También se venden Jelly Beans (conocidos como … Wikipedia Español
Starburst — (anciennement connu sous le nom de Opal Fruits) est une marque de bonbons mous de forme cubiques et arômatisés aux fruits produite par Mars Incorporated. Les produits Starburst existent également sous la forme de bonbon gélatiné, sucette,… … Wikipédia en Français
Starburst — steht für: In der Meteorologie eine schwere Fallböe, die meistens bei Gewittern auftritt: Siehe Downburst. In der Astrophysik Gebiete mit hoher Sternentstehungsrate, Starburstgalaxien, sind Galaxien, in der wesentlich mehr neue Sterne entstehen… … Deutsch Wikipedia
starburst — 1. noun a) A violent explosion, or the pattern (likened to the shape of a star) supposed to be made by such an explosion. ... his arm striking brick and the bottle shattering in a starburst of black ... b) A symbol similar to an asterisk, but… … Wiktionary
starburst — [[t]stɑ͟ː(r)bɜː(r)st[/t]] starbursts N COUNT A starburst is a bright light with rays coming from it, or a patch of bright colour with points extending from it. [LITERARY] They shot past at treetop height and broke into a starburst of multi… … English dictionary
starburst — UK [ˈstɑː(r)ˌbɜː(r)st] / US [ˈstɑrˌbɜrst] noun [countable] Word forms starburst : singular starburst plural starbursts a shape or pattern of lines coming out from a centre point like the rays of a star … English dictionary
starburst — ˈ ̷ ̷ ˌ ̷ ̷ noun : a shape or design (as on a piece of furniture, clothing, or jewelry) that resembles a star composition in a fireworks display starbursts set in dark floors that were so much the rage of the late thirties and forties Charlotte… … Useful english dictionary
Starburst (confectionery) — Starburst (originally known as Opal Fruits) is the brand name of a chewy, cuboid shaped, fruit flavored candy manufactured by Mars, Incorporated. Starburst also exist as jellybeans (known as Joosters ), lollipops, gummies, hard candy, candy canes … Wikipedia
Starburst (Rakete) — Starburst Allgemeine Angaben Typ: Flugabwehrrakete … Deutsch Wikipedia