staple fastening

staple fastening
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Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "staple fastening" в других словарях:

  • Staple (fastener) — A staple is a type of two pronged fastener, usually metal, used for joining or binding materials together. Large staples might be used with a hammer or staple gun for fencing, masonry, roofing and cardboard boxes. Smaller staples are used with a… …   Wikipedia

  • staple — {{11}}staple (n.1) bent piece of metal with pointed ends, late 13c., from O.E. stapol post, pillar, from P.Gmc. *stapulaz pillar (Cf. O.Fris. stapul stem of a tooth, M.L.G. stapel block for executions, Ger. Stapel stake, beam ), from PIE stebh… …   Etymology dictionary

  • staple — 1. n. & v. n. a U shaped metal bar or piece of wire with pointed ends for driving into, securing, or fastening together various materials or for driving through and clenching papers, netting, electric wire, etc. provide or fasten with a… …   Useful english dictionary

  • fastening — I (New American Roget s College Thesaurus) n. fastener, lock, catch, clasp, latch, hook, connection; button, zipper, hook [and eye], buckle; nail, tack, staple, screw, bolt, rivet, peg; thread; glue, cement. II (Roget s IV) n. Syn. catch, clasp,… …   English dictionary for students

  • fastening — n clasp, hook, catch, clip, snap, hook and eye, button, fastener; latch, lock, padlock, bar, bolt, hasp; pin, buckle, agraffe; clamp, vise, brace; tie, link, bond, vinculum, nexus; hinder, holder, connector, copula, yoke; rope, chain, tether;… …   A Note on the Style of the synonym finder

  • Rail fastening system — Elements of a baseplate based rail fastening system 1. Screw for fixing plate to sleeper 2. Elastomeric pad supporting rail 3. Tension washer 4. Rail clamp 5. Tensioning bolt (nut not shown) 6. Baseplate …   Wikipedia

  • staplelike — adjective Resembling or characteristic of a staple (fastening) …   Wiktionary

  • Stapler — A stapler is a mechanical device that joins together sheets of paper or other similar materials by driving a thin metal staple through the sheets and folding over the ends to secure the paper. Staplers are widely used in government and business… …   Wikipedia

  • Nail gun — Pneumatic nail gun in use A nail gun, nailgun or nailer is a type of tool used to drive nails into wood or some other kind of material. It is usually driven by electromagnetism, compressed air (pneumatic), highly flammable gases such as butane or …   Wikipedia

  • Morris Abrams — For the Louisiana educator, see Morris N. Abrams. Arrow brand staple gun. Morris Abrams (1908 1981) was the founder of Arrow Fastener Company, a manufacturer of fastening tools that since 1999 has been a subsidiary of Masco Corporation. History …   Wikipedia

  • connection — I (New American Roget s College Thesaurus) Physical link Nouns 1. connection, bond, tie, link, concatenation; connective, interconnection; daisy chain; nexus, neck, isthmus; nape; bridge, tunnel, causeway, viaduct, etc. See contact, junction. 2.… …   English dictionary for students

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