standby underwriting
Смотреть что такое "standby underwriting" в других словарях:
Standby Underwriting (Standby) — A type of underwriting in which an investment bank (the underwriter) agrees to purchase the portion of the new securities issue that remains after a public offering. This eliminates the issuer s risk, but it increases the investment banker s risk … Investment dictionary
Standby Letter of Credit - SLOC — A guarantee of payment issued by a bank on behalf of a client that is used as payment of last resort should the client fail to fulfill a contractual commitment with a third party. Standby letters of credit are created as a sign of good faith in… … Investment dictionary
Euronotefazilitäten — Sammelbegriff für Techniken zur Absicherung des revolvierenden Absatzes von kurzfristigen Papieren im Euromarkt (z.B. ⇡ Note Issuance Facility (NIF), ⇡ Revolving Underwriting Facility (RUF) oder Euronote Facility (⇡ Euro Notes)). Merkmale:… … Lexikon der Economics
Economic Affairs — ▪ 2006 Introduction In 2005 rising U.S. deficits, tight monetary policies, and higher oil prices triggered by hurricane damage in the Gulf of Mexico were moderating influences on the world economy and on U.S. stock markets, but some other… … Universalium
Demand guarantee — In English writings, traditionally the term “guarantee” denotes an accessory (secondary) or “conditional” type of obligation. The essence of the instrument is the promise to answer for the duty of another should the other default. The beneficiary … Wikipedia
Dodd–Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act — Full title An Act to promote the financial stability of the United States by improving accountability and transparency in the financial system, to end too big to fail , to protect the American taxpayer by ending bailouts, to protect consumers… … Wikipedia
АНДЕРРАЙТИНГ, UNDERWRITE — Страхование: принимать на себя риск в обмен на уплату страховых взносов (premium). Инвестиции: брать на реализацию (размещение) ценные бумаги, принимать на себя обязательства по размещению ценных бумаг. Принимать на себя риск при покупке нового… … Финансово-инвестиционный толковый словарь
твердое обязательство — Предоставление кредитов: термин, используемый кредиторами по отношению к безусловному обязательству о предоставлении кредита конкретному займополучателю в течение определенного периода и, если необходимо, под конкретную собственность. См. также… … Финансово-инвестиционный толковый словарь
Commercial bank — After the implementation of the Glass–Steagall Act, the U.S. Congress required that banks engage only in banking activities, whereas investment banks were limited to capital market activities. As the two no longer have to be under separate… … Wikipedia
Long term care insurance — (LTC or LTCI), an insurance product sold in the United States and United Kingdom, helps provide for the cost of long term care beyond a predetermined period. Long term care insurance covers care generally not covered by health insurance, Medicare … Wikipedia
Nickelodeon — This article is about the American cable channel. For other uses, see Nickelodeon (disambiguation). This article is about the flagship American version of Nickelodeon. For the other international versions of the channel, see Nickelodeon (around… … Wikipedia