standby emergency

standby emergency
аварийный резерв

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "standby emergency" в других словарях:

  • standby — [stand′bī΄] n. pl. standbys 1. a person or thing that can always be depended on, is always effective, etc. 2. a person or thing ready to serve or be put into service on an emergency basis or as a substitute 3. a person waiting to board an… …   English World dictionary

  • standby — ► NOUN (pl. standbys) 1) readiness for duty or immediate action. 2) a person or thing ready to be deployed in an emergency. ► ADJECTIVE ▪ (of tickets for a journey or performance) unreserved and sold only at the last minute if still available …   English terms dictionary

  • emergency transmitter — standby transmitter used to broadcast a warning signal in an emergency …   English contemporary dictionary

  • standby — ▪ I. standby stand‧by 1 [ˈstændbaɪ] also stand by noun TRAVEL 1. [countable] someone or something that is ready to be used when needed: • The government has asked potential donor countries for 75,000 tonnes of grain as a standby …   Financial and business terms

  • standby stand-by — noun 1 (C) something that is kept ready so that it can be used when needed: Powdered milk is a good standby in a emergency. | The hospital has a standby generator. 2 on standby ready to help immediately if you are needed: A special team of police …   Longman dictionary of contemporary English

  • standby — stand|by1 stand by [ˈstændbaı] n plural standbys 1.) on standby a) ready to help immediately if you are needed ▪ A special team of police were kept on standby . b) if you are on standby to do something, for example to travel by plane, you are on… …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • standby — stand•by [[t]ˈstændˌbaɪ[/t]] n. pl. bys, adj. adv. 1) a staunch supporter or adherent 2) something upon which one can rely, as for regular use 3) something or someone held ready to serve as a substitute, as in an emergency 4) cvb a traveler… …   From formal English to slang

  • Emergency Action Notification — An Emergency Action Notification (SAME code: EAN) is the national activation of the Emergency Alert System (EAS) and can only be activated by the President or their representative (i.e. the Vice President).[1] The Emergency Broadcast System (EBS) …   Wikipedia

  • standby — /stand buy /, n., pl. standbys, adj. n. 1. a staunch supporter or adherent; one who can be relied upon. 2. something upon which one can rely and therefore choose or use regularly. 3. something or someone held ready to serve as a substitute, esp.… …   Universalium

  • emergency — 1. noun 1) a military emergency Syn: crisis, urgent situation, extremity, exigency; accident, disaster, catastrophe, calamity; difficulty, plight, predicament, danger 2) get her down to emergency right away Syn …   Thesaurus of popular words

  • standby — I noun 1. something that can be relied on when needed (Freq. 1) • Derivationally related forms: ↑stand by • Hypernyms: ↑thing 2. an actor able to replace a regular performer when required • Syn: ↑ …   Useful english dictionary

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