standards — index conscience, ethics Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 … Law dictionary
Standards — Ein Standard ist eine vergleichsweise einheitliche oder vereinheitlichte, weithin anerkannte und meist auch angewandte (oder zumindest angestrebte) Art und Weise, etwas herzustellen oder durchzuführen, die sich gegenüber anderen Arten und Weisen… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Standards — Standard Cette page d’homonymie répertorie les différents sujets et articles partageant un même nom … Wikipédia en Français
standards — adverb (plural form only): Pertaining to standards, concerned with standards, specific to standards. There is some sign of disparate standards bodies becoming more closely aligned … Wiktionary
standards — See emission standards international Standards Organization low Emission Vehicle Standards … Dictionary of automotive terms
standards — Expectations (also called benchmarks) for what students will learn; what educators are expected to teach students. In the USA, state and national standards have been formulated and passed into law as a result of a movement to hold schools… … Glossary of Art Terms
Standards — ♦ Trees that are allowed to grow up to full size before being harvested. In the medieval period a wood would consist of a mixture of coppice and standards. Viewed from above, about 70% of the land surface would be coppice, and about 30% standards … Medieval glossary
Standards ouverts et logiciels libres en belgique — Cet article décrit de manière factuelle les propositions légales et les avis d instances diverses concernant l usage des standards ouverts et des logiciels libres en Belgique, notamment dans les administrations publiques. Elle reprend également… … Wikipédia en Français
Standards, Vol. 2 — Studioalbum von Keith Jarrett Veröffentlichung 1985 Aufnahme 1983 Label … Deutsch Wikipedia
Standards-compliant — is a term often used in describing websites user agents (often web browsers) relative compliance with web standards proposed by the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C); also used for stressing out that one doesn t use proprietary methods or… … Wikipedia
Standards of Learning — or (SOL) is a program of the Commonwealth of Virginia. It sets forth learning and achievement expectations for grades K 12 in Virginia s Public Schools. The standards represent what many teachers, school administrators, parents, and business and… … Wikipedia