standard sphere
Смотреть что такое "standard sphere" в других словарях:
Standard German — (German: Hochdeutsch ) is the standard varieties of the German language used as a written language, in formal contexts, and for communication between different dialect areas. Since German is a pluricentric language, there are different varieties… … Wikipedia
Standard Spanish — or neutral Spanish is a linguistic variety, or lect, that is considered a correct educated standard for the Spanish language. Standard Spanish is not merely Spanish adjusted to fit in prescriptive molds dictated by a linguistic overseeing… … Wikipedia
Sphère exotique — En mathématiques, et plus précisément en topologie différentielle, une sphère exotique est une variété différentielle M qui est homéomorphe, mais non difféomorphe, à la n sphère euclidienne standard. Autrement dit, M est une sphère du point de… … Wikipédia en Français
Sphere theorem — This article is about sphere theorem for Riemannian manifolds. For a different result by the same name, see Sphere theorem (3 manifolds). In Riemannian geometry, the sphere theorem, also known as the quarter pinched sphere theorem, strongly… … Wikipedia
Sphere Builder — Star Trek race|if= bgcolor=#ffffff Name=Sphere Builders other names= Caption=A Guardian Sphere Builder Affiliation=NoneThe Sphere Builders are aliens from another dimension in the fictional Star Trek universe. They are bent on conquering the… … Wikipedia
Standard torus — degenerates into a sphere.In mathematics, a standard torus is a circular torus of revolution, that is, any surface of revolution generated by rotating a circle in three dimensional space about an axis coplanar with the circle. When the axis… … Wikipedia
Exotic sphere — In differential topology, a mathematical discipline, an exotic sphere is a differentiable manifold M that is homeomorphic but not diffeomorphic to the standard Euclidean n sphere. That is, M is a sphere from the point of view of all its… … Wikipedia
exotic sphere — noun A manifold (of any dimension) homeomorphic to a sphere but not diffeomorphic to the standard sphere … Wiktionary
Homology sphere — In algebraic topology, a homology sphere is an n manifold X having the homology groups of an n sphere, for some integer n ≥ 1. That is, we have: H 0( X ,Z) = Z = H n ( X ,Z)and : H i ( X ,Z) = {0} for all other i .Therefore X is a connected space … Wikipedia
H-Sphere — Infobox Software name = H Sphere latest release version = 3.0 Patch 8 latest release date = January 8, 2008 operating system = Linux, FreeBSD, Windows programming language = Java genre = Control Panel (Web Hosting) license = proprietary website … Wikipedia
Alexander horned sphere — The Alexander horned sphere is one of the most famous pathological examples in mathematics discovered in 1924 by J. W. Alexander. It is the particular embedding of a sphere in 3 dimensional Euclidean space obtained by the following construction,… … Wikipedia