standard rate

standard rate
утвержденная норма

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "standard rate" в других словарях:

  • standard rate — ➔ rate1 * * * standard rate UK US noun [C] UK ► (also standard rate of interest) BANKING, FINANCE the normal percentage amount that a bank charges customers for borrowing money: charge/pay a standard rate »Our discounted rate ended this year and… …   Financial and business terms

  • standard-rate — UK US noun [C] UK ► (also standard rate of interest) BANKING, FINANCE the normal percentage amount that a bank charges customers for borrowing money: charge/pay a standard rate »Our discounted rate ended this year and we have been paying the bank …   Financial and business terms

  • standard rate — 1) The rate of value added tax applied to all items sold by taxable persons that are not specified as either exempt supplies, zero rated goods and services, or taxable at a special rate. The rate for 2004 05 is 17. 5%, which has been the rate… …   Big dictionary of business and management

  • standard rate — The rate of value added tax applied to all items sold by taxable persons that are not specified as either exempt supplies or zero rated goods and services, or taxable at a special rate. The rate for 2005–06 is 17.5%, which has been the rate since …   Accounting dictionary

  • standard rate — didžiausiasis įkainis statusas Aprobuotas sritis žemės ūkio ekonomika ir vadyba apibrėžtis Tam tikros institucijos nustatytas įkainis, pagal kurį apskaičiuojama didžiausia mokėtina pinigų suma. Didžiausiasis įkainis nustatomas litais be… …   Lithuanian dictionary (lietuvių žodynas)

  • Standard Rate and Data Service — ˌStandard ˌRate and ˈData ˌService abbreviation SRDS noun trademark MARKETING a book produced every month in the US, which has detailed information about which newspapers, magazines etc have advertising, how many copies they sell, how much it… …   Financial and business terms

  • Standard Rate and Data Service™ — UK US noun (ABBREVIATION SRDS™) ► MARKETING a book published every month in the US giving information about newspapers, magazines, etc. that have advertising, for example how much it costs to advertise in them and how many copies are sold in… …   Financial and business terms

  • standard rate turn — A rate of change in an aircraft’s direction of 3°/s, completing a 360° turn in two minutes for low or medium speed aircraft. For high speed aircraft, the standard rate of turn is 11/2° per second, or 360° in four minutes. See rate of turn …   Aviation dictionary

  • standard rate of VAT — standartinis pridėtinės vertės mokesčio tarifas statusas Aprobuotas sritis mokesčiai apibrėžtis 21 procento pridėtinės vertės mokesčio tarifas. trumpoji forma standartinis PVM tarifas atitikmenys: angl. standard rate of VAT šaltinis Lietuvos… …   Lithuanian dictionary (lietuvių žodynas)

  • Standard Rate —   The basic rate customers would take service under if they were not on real time pricing …   Energy terms

  • standard rate — / stændəd reɪt/ noun a basic rate of income tax which is paid by most taxpayers …   Marketing dictionary in english

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