standard level

standard level
стандартный уровень

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "standard level" в других словарях:

  • Standard Mandarin — Standard Mandarin, also known as Standard Spoken Chinese, is the official modern Chinese spoken language used in mainland China and Taiwan, and is one of the four official languages of Singapore.The phonology of Standard Mandarin is based on the… …   Wikipedia

  • Standard Grade — Standard Grades (Scottish Gaelic: An Ìre Choitchinne) are Scotland s educational qualifications for students aged around 14 to 16 years. Standard Grade courses are taken over the 3rd and 4th years of a student s secondary schooling. Exams are… …   Wikipedia

  • Level of service — (LOS) is a measure of effectiveness by which traffic engineers determine the quality of service on elements of transportation infrastructure. Whilst the motorist is, in general, interested in speed of his journey, LOS is a more holistic approach …   Wikipedia

  • Standard gravity — Standard gravity, usually denoted by g 0 or g n, is the nominal acceleration due to gravity at the Earth s surface at sea level. By definition it is equal to exactly 9.80665 m/s2 (approx. 32.174 ft/s2). [The notation m/s2 means meters per second… …   Wikipedia

  • standard — [stan′dərd] n. [ME < OFr estendard < Frank * standord, place of formation < Gmc * standan, to STAND + * ort, a place, orig., a point, akin to OE ord (see ODD): hence, orig., a standing place] 1. any figure or object, esp. a flag or… …   English World dictionary

  • Standard American — (also Standard American Yellow Card, abbreviated SAYC) is a common bidding system for the game of bridge in the United States, also widely used in the rest of the world. This system, or a slight variant, is learned first by most beginners in the… …   Wikipedia

  • standard of proof — standard of proof: the level of certainty and the degree of evidence necessary to establish proof in a criminal or civil proceeding the standard of proof to convict is proof beyond a reasonable doubt see also clear and convincing, preponderance… …   Law dictionary

  • standard — stan·dard n 1: something established by authority, custom, or general consent as a model, example, or point of reference the standard of the reasonable person 2: something established by authority as a rule for the measure of quantity, weight,… …   Law dictionary

  • Standard Dry Air — is a standard gas composition for dry air, intended to represent the bulk average air composition encountered at or around sea level. Despite its intent of being near sea level, the composition omits water vapour entirely, since the humidity and… …   Wikipedia

  • Level — Lev el (l[e^]v [e^]l), n. [OE. level, livel, OF. livel, F. niveau, fr. L. libella level, water level, a plumb level, dim. of libra pound, measure for liquids, balance, water poise, level. Cf. {Librate}, {Libella}.] 1. A line or surface to which,… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Level of the sea — Level Lev el (l[e^]v [e^]l), n. [OE. level, livel, OF. livel, F. niveau, fr. L. libella level, water level, a plumb level, dim. of libra pound, measure for liquids, balance, water poise, level. Cf. {Librate}, {Libella}.] 1. A line or surface to… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

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