standard isogeny
Смотреть что такое "standard isogeny" в других словарях:
Doubling-oriented Doche–Icart–Kohel curve — A Doubling oriented Doche Icart Kohel curve of equation y2 = x3 − x2 − 16x In mathematics, the doubling oriented Doche–Icart–Kohel curve is a form in which an elliptic curve can be written. It is a special case of Weierstrass form and it is also… … Wikipedia
Abelian variety — In mathematics, particularly in algebraic geometry, complex analysis and number theory, an Abelian variety is a projective algebraic variety that is at the same time an algebraic group, i.e., has a group law that can be defined by regular… … Wikipedia
Enriques-Kodaira classification — In mathematics, the Enriques Kodaira classification is a classification of compact complex surfaces. For complex projective surfaces it was done by Federigo Enriques, and Kunihiko Kodaira later extended it to non algebraic compact surfaces. It… … Wikipedia
Enriques–Kodaira classification — In mathematics, the Enriques–Kodaira classification is a classification of compact complex surfaces into ten classes. For each of these classes, the surfaces in the class can be parametrized by a moduli space. For most of the classes the moduli… … Wikipedia