standard extension

standard extension
мат. стандартное расширение (процесса)

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "standard extension" в других словарях:

  • Extension — may refer to: * Extension (kinesiology), a movement of a joint in which one part of the body is moved away from another. * Extension (metaphysics), the property of taking up space * Extension (semantics), the set of things to which a property… …   Wikipedia

  • Standard Chartered Bank — Standard Chartered PLC Tipo Pública LSE: STAN SEHK: 2888 OTCBB: SC …   Wikipedia Español

  • standard — n 1 *flag, ensign, banner, color, streamer, pennant, pendant, pennon, jack 2 Standard, criterion, gauge, yardstick, touchstone can all mean a measure by which one judges a thing as authentic, good, or adequate or the degree to which it is… …   New Dictionary of Synonyms

  • Extensión de dirección física — Saltar a navegación, búsqueda En informática, extensión de dirección física (en inglés, Physical Address Extension o PAE) se refiere a una característica de los procesadores x86 que permite a los sistemas de 32 bit utilizar hasta 64 gigabytes (64 …   Wikipedia Español

  • Extension (music) — In music an extension is a set of musical notes that lie outside the standard range.taffA note that lies outside the lines of a musical staff is an extension of the staff. The note will lie on a ledger line. Middle C for example is an extension… …   Wikipedia

  • Standard Template Library — C++ Standard Library fstream iomanip ios iostream sstream string …   Wikipedia

  • Extension (Mac OS) — On the Apple Macintosh operating system prior to Mac OS X, extensions were small pieces of code that extended the system s functionality. They were run initially at start up time, and operated by a variety of mechanisms, including trap patching… …   Wikipedia

  • extension cord — noun an electric cord used to extend the length of a power cord • Hypernyms: ↑cord, ↑electric cord * * * Elect. an electric cord having a standard plug at one end and a standard electric jack at the other. [1945 50] * * * extension cord, a length …   Useful english dictionary

  • Extension de nom de fichier — Pour les articles homonymes, voir Extension. En informatique, une extension de nom de fichier (ou simplement extension de fichier, voire extension) est un suffixe ajouté au nom d un fichier pour identifier son format. Ainsi, on dira qu un fichier …   Wikipédia en Français

  • EXTension Port — names the ports placed on their consoles allowing for connectivity to either other systems, or peripherals that were released after the fact.EXT named ports can be found on many Nintendo consoles, such as the Game Boy, the Super Nintendo, the… …   Wikipedia

  • Standard Chartered Bank — Infobox Company company name = Standard Chartered plc company company type = Public slogan = Leading the Way in Asia, Africa and the Middle East foundation = 1853 location = flagicon|UK London, England, UK key people = E. Mervyn Davies CBE,… …   Wikipedia

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