stand-up comedian, stand-up comic

stand-up comedian, stand-up comic
эстрадный комик;
комический актер разговорного жанра

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "stand-up comedian, stand-up comic" в других словарях:

  • Stand-up comedy — is a style of comedy where the performer speaks directly to the audience, with the absence of the theatrical fourth wall . A person who performs stand up comedy is known as a stand up comic, stand up comedian or more informally stand up. It is… …   Wikipedia

  • Comic Genius — was the world s first online stand up comic contest that was open to all Canadians. It was sponsored by The Comedy Network and the CTV comedy, Corner Gas. It began on September 26, 2005 and ended on November 27, 2005. During each week until… …   Wikipedia

  • stand-up — stand′ up or stand′up adj. 1) standing erect or upright, as a collar 2) taken, requiring, or performed in a standing position 3) a) sbz (of a comedian) delivering a comic monologue while standing alone in front of an audience or camera b) sbz (of …   From formal English to slang

  • comedian — [n] funny person, often professional actor, banana*, card*, clown, comic, cutup, droll, entertainer, farceur, humorist, jester, joker, jokester, laugh, merry andrew, million laughs*, quipster, stand up comic, stooge*, top banana*, wag,… …   New thesaurus

  • comic — [n] funny person, often professional banana*, buffoon*, card*, clown, comedian, droll, humorist, jester, joker, jokester, life of the party*, million laughs*, quipster, stand up comic, stooge*, top banana*, wag*, wit*; concepts 352,423 Ant.… …   New thesaurus

  • stand-up — /stand up /, adj. 1. standing erect or upright, as a collar. 2. performed, taken, etc., while one stands: a stand up meal. 3. designed for or requiring a standing position: a stand up lunch counter. 4. (of a fight) characterized by the rapid… …   Universalium

  • Comedian — For other uses, see Comedian (disambiguation). A comedian (sometimes comedienne, see below) or comic is a person who seeks to entertain an audience, primarily by making them laugh. This might be through jokes or amusing situations, or acting a… …   Wikipedia

  • comic — Synonyms and related words: amusing, animated cartoon, antic, banana, broad, burlesque, burlesquer, camp, campy, caricature, caricaturist, cartoon, clever, clown, comedian, comedienne, comic book, comic strip, comical, comics, cutup, droll,… …   Moby Thesaurus

  • comedian — Synonyms and related words: banana, buffoon, burlesquer, card, caricaturist, choreographer, clown, comedienne, comic, cutup, dramatist, dramatizer, dramaturge, droll, epigrammatist, farcer, farceur, farceuse, farcist, fool, funnyman, gag writer,… …   Moby Thesaurus

  • comic — I (New American Roget s College Thesaurus) adj. comical, funny, hilarious, laughable, sidesplitting, clownish, ludicrous, droll, slapstick, farcical. n. comedian, stand up comic. See absurdity, wit. II (Roget s IV) modif. Syn. funny, ridiculous,… …   English dictionary for students

  • stand-up — also standup 1) ADJ: ADJ n A stand up comic or comedian stands alone in front of an audience and tells jokes. He does all kinds of accents, he can do jokes he could be a stand up comic... Women do not normally break into the big time by doing… …   English dictionary

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