stand a chance

stand a chance
иметь шанс на успех

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "stand a chance" в других словарях:

  • stand a chance — (of doing sth) ► to be likely to do sth: »These ambitious projects only stand a chance of happening if they get generous financial backing. »I don t think they stand a chance of winning the election. Main Entry: ↑stand …   Financial and business terms

  • stand\ a\ chance — • stand a chance • stand a show n. phr. To have a possibility or opportunity; be likely to do or get something. Fred doesn t stand a chance of being elected. We stand a good chance of seeing Mary at the party …   Словарь американских идиом

  • stand a chance — • stand to • stand a chance have a possibility They stand a good chance of winning the game. to be in a position where, if and when an event takes place, some advantage or disadvantage is likely to occur …   Idioms and examples

  • stand a chance of — (doing something) to have the possibility of doing something. Do you think he stands a chance of beating Mark? …   New idioms dictionary

  • stand a chance — ► stand a chance have a prospect of success. Main Entry: ↑chance …   English terms dictionary

  • stand a chance — phrasal or stand a show : to have a likelihood or possibility he doesn t stand a chance with the champion * * * I [usu. with negative] have a prospect of success or survival his rivals don t stand a chance II see chance …   Useful english dictionary

  • stand a chance — to have a chance of success. If government funding is withdrawn, small, independent theatres don t stand a chance. (usually negative) We might stand a chance of winning if we continue to play as well as we did today. (often + of + doing… …   New idioms dictionary

  • stand a chance — or[stand a show] {n. phr.} To have a possibility or opportunity; be likely to do or get something. * /Fred doesn t stand a chance of being elected./ * /We stand a good chance of seeing Mary at the party./ …   Dictionary of American idioms

  • stand a chance — or[stand a show] {n. phr.} To have a possibility or opportunity; be likely to do or get something. * /Fred doesn t stand a chance of being elected./ * /We stand a good chance of seeing Mary at the party./ …   Dictionary of American idioms

  • stand a chance (of doing something) — stand a chance/hope/(of doing something) phrase to be likely to achieve something Do they stand any chance of winning against France? Thesaurus: to be likely to succeedsynonym Main entry: stand * * * …   Useful english dictionary

  • stand a chance of doing sth — stand a chance (of doing sth) ► to be likely to do sth: »These ambitious projects only stand a chance of happening if they get generous financial backing. »I don t think they stand a chance of winning the election. Main Entry: ↑stand …   Financial and business terms

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