stagnant air
Смотреть что такое "stagnant air" в других словарях:
stagnant air — ramus oras statusas T sritis ekologija ir aplinkotyra apibrėžtis Oras be vėjo. atitikmenys: angl. stagnant air vok. ruhig Luft, f rus. затишье; штиль, m … Ekologijos terminų aiškinamasis žodynas
stagnant air — air that is not moving, standing air … English contemporary dictionary
Air Quality Index — The Air Quality Index (AQI) is a standardized indicator of the air quality in a given location. It measures mainly ground level ozone and particulates (except the pollen count), but may also include sulfur dioxide, and nitrogen dioxide. Various… … Wikipedia
Air pollution in British Columbia — Air pollution is a concern in British Columbia (BC), Canada because of its effects on health and visibility. Air quality is influenced in BC by numerous mountain ranges and valleys, which complicate atmospheric pollution dispersion and can lead… … Wikipedia
stagnant — stagnant, ante (stagh nan, nan t ) adj. 1° En parlant des eaux, qui ne coule point. • Lé pays d Aunis a autrefois été submergé par la mer et par les eaux stagnantes des marais ; c est une des terres les plus nouvelles de la France, BUFF. Add … Dictionnaire de la Langue Française d'Émile Littré
stagnant — ► ADJECTIVE 1) (of water or air) motionless and often having an unpleasant smell as a consequence. 2) showing little activity. DERIVATIVES stagnancy noun. ORIGIN from Latin stagnare form a pool of standing water , from stagnum pool … English terms dictionary
stagnant — adjective Date: 1666 1. a. not flowing in a current or stream < stagnant water > b. stale < long disuse had made the air stagnant and foul Bram Stoker > 2. not advancing or developing < a stagnant economy > • stagnancy … New Collegiate Dictionary
stagnant — stag|nant [ˈstægnənt] adj 1.) stagnant water or air does not move or flow and often smells bad ▪ a stagnant pond 2.) not changing or making progress, and continuing to be in a bad condition ▪ a government plan to revive the stagnant economy … Dictionary of contemporary English
stagnant — adjective 1 stagnant water or air does not move or flow and often smells bad: a stagnant pond 2 not changing, developing, or making progress; inactive: Industrial output has remained stagnant. stagnancy noun (U) stagnantly adverb … Longman dictionary of contemporary English
stagnant — stagnancy, stagnance, n. stagnantly, adv. /stag neuhnt/, adj. 1. not flowing or running, as water, air, etc. 2. stale or foul from standing, as a pool of water. 3. characterized by lack of development, advancement, or progressive movement: a… … Universalium
stagnant — stag•nant [[t]ˈstæg nənt[/t]] adj. 1) not flowing or running, as water or air 2) stale or foul from standing, as a pool of water 3) inactive or sluggish: a stagnant ecomomy[/ex] • Etymology: 1660–70; < L stāgnant , s. of stāgnāns, prp. of… … From formal English to slang