Смотреть что такое "staghound" в других словарях:
Staghound — Stag hound ( hound ), n. (Zo[ o]l.) A large and powerful hound formerly used in hunting the stag, the wolf, and other large animals. The breed is nearly extinct. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
staghound — [stag′hound΄] n. any of various large hounds, similar to the greyhound, but heavier, used in coursing the stag and other large game animals … English World dictionary
Staghound — Zu diesen Rassen oder Hundegruppen gibt es zu wenige Informationen, um eigene Artikel zu erstellen. Der Vollständigkeit halber seien sie aber erwähnt. Die Erwähnungen stammen teilweise von Ethnologen, Biologen oder einschlägigen Nachschlagwerken … Deutsch Wikipedia
staghound — noun Date: 1707 a hound formerly used in hunting the stag and other large animals; specifically a large heavy hound resembling the English foxhound … New Collegiate Dictionary
staghound — /stag hownd /, n. a hound trained to hunt stags and other large animals. [1700 10; STAG + HOUND1] * * * … Universalium
staghound — noun /ˈstaɡhaʊnd/ Any of several large dogs once bred to hunt stags. Woodwork and glass gave way before him; but before he got quite through, Gregson, Lestrade, and Holmes sprang upon him like so many staghounds. Syn: deerhound … Wiktionary
staghound — n. hound trained and used for hunting deer … English contemporary dictionary
staghound — noun a large dog of a breed used for hunting deer … English new terms dictionary
staghound — stag•hound [[t]ˈstægˌhaʊnd[/t]] n. dch a hound trained to hunt stags and other large animals • Etymology: 1700–10 … From formal English to slang
staghound — /ˈstæghaʊnd/ (say staghownd) noun a hound resembling the foxhound, but larger, used for hunting stags, etc. {stag + hound1} …
staghound — n. 1 any large dog of a breed used for hunting deer by sight or scent. 2 this breed … Useful english dictionary