- stage-setting
- (театроведение) разводка, установление мизансцен
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
stage setting — index scene Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 … Law dictionary
stage setting — setting (def. 6). Also, stage set. * * * … Universalium
stage setting — stage′ set ting (or set ) n. tht sbz setting 7) … From formal English to slang
stage setting — noun arrangement of scenery and properties to represent the place where a play or movie is enacted • Syn: ↑mise en scene, ↑setting • Hypernyms: ↑stage • Part Meronyms: ↑flat, ↑property, ↑prop, ↑ … Useful english dictionary
setting — [n] scene, background ambience, backdrop, context, distance, environment, frame, framework, horizon, jungle, locale, location, mise en scène, mounting, perspective, set, shade, shadow, site, stage set, stage setting, surroundings; concepts… … New thesaurus
stage designer — stage designer, a person who designs the stage setting for plays, operas, motion pictures, or television programs … Useful english dictionary
stage design — Aesthetic composition of a dramatic production as created by lighting, scenery, costumes, and sound. While elements such as painted screens and wheeled platforms were used in the Greek theatre of the 4th century BC, most innovations in stage… … Universalium
setting — n. set of tableware 1) a place setting for frame in which a gem is set 2) to fashion a setting for surroundings 3) a natural setting arrangement of stage props 4) a stage setting point at which a measuring device is set 5) to adjust, change the… … Combinatory dictionary
stage — Synonyms and related words: Broadway, L, R, acting, acting area, agora, amphitheater, apron, apron stage, arena, athletic field, auditorium, autobus, back, backdrop, background, backstage, balcony, band, band shell, bandstand, be a gas, be a hit … Moby Thesaurus
setting — /set ing/, n. 1. the act of a person or thing that sets. 2. the surroundings or environment of anything: The garden was a perfect setting for the house. 3. the mounting in which a jewel is set. 4. a group of all the articles, as of china, silver … Universalium
stage set — noun representation consisting of the scenery and other properties used to identify the location of a dramatic production the sets were meticulously authentic • Syn: ↑set • Hypernyms: ↑representation • Hyponyms: ↑scenery, ↑scene … Useful english dictionary