stack algorithm
Смотреть что такое "stack algorithm" в других словарях:
Stack search — (also known as Stack decoding algorithm) is a search algorithm similar to beam search. It can be used to explore tree structured search spaces and is often employed in Natural language processing applications, such as parsing of natural languages … Wikipedia
Stack (data structure) — In computer science, a stack is an abstract data type and data structure based on the principle of Last In First Out (LIFO) . Stacks are used extensively at every level of a modern computer system. For example, a modern PC uses stacks at the… … Wikipedia
Divide and conquer algorithm — In computer science, divide and conquer (D C) is an important algorithm design paradigm based on multi branched recursion. A divide and conquer algorithm works by recursively breaking down a problem into two or more sub problems of the same (or… … Wikipedia
Shunting yard algorithm — The shunting yard algorithm is a method for parsing mathematical equations specified in infix notation. It can be used to produce output in Reverse Polish notation (RPN) or as an abstract syntax tree (AST). The algorithm was invented by Edsger… … Wikipedia
Nearest-neighbor chain algorithm — In the theory of cluster analysis, the nearest neighbor chain algorithm is a method that can be used to perform several types of agglomerative hierarchical clustering, using an amount of memory that is linear in the number of points to be… … Wikipedia
Maze generation algorithm — Maze generation algorithms are automated methods for the creation of mazes. This maze generated by modified version of Prim s algorithm, below. Contents 1 Graph theory based methods … Wikipedia
Tarjan's strongly connected components algorithm — Tarjan s Algorithm (named for its discoverer, Robert Tarjan) is a graph theory algorithm for finding the strongly connected components of a graph. It can be seen as an improved version of Kosaraju s algorithm, and is comparable in efficiency to… … Wikipedia
Cheney's algorithm — Cheney s algorithm, first described in a 1970 ACM paper by C.J. Cheney, is a method of garbage collection in computer software systems. In this scheme, the heap is divided into two equal halves, only one of which is in use at any one time.… … Wikipedia
Beam stack search — is a search algorithm which integrates backtracking with beam search.It was recently proposed by Rong Zhou and Eric A. Hansen, Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Mississippi State University during the 15th International Conference… … Wikipedia
Sorting algorithm — In computer science, a sorting algorithm is an algorithm that puts elements of a list in a certain order. The most used orders are numerical order and lexicographical order. Efficient sorting is important for optimizing the use of other… … Wikipedia
Kosaraju's algorithm — In computer science, Kosaraju s algorithm is an algorithm to find the strongly connected components of a directed graph. Aho, Hopcroft and Ullman credit it to an unpublished paper from 1978 by S. Rao Kosaraju. It makes use of the fact that the… … Wikipedia