stable equilibrium
Смотреть что такое "stable equilibrium" в других словарях:
Stable equilibrium — Stable Sta ble (st[=a] b l), a. [OF. estable, F. stable, fr. L. stabilis, fr. stare to stand. See {Stand}, v. i. and cf. {Establish}.] 1. Firmly established; not easily moved, shaken, or overthrown; fixed; as, a stable government. [1913 Webster]… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
stable equilibrium — index balance (equality) Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 … Law dictionary
stable equilibrium — stabilioji pusiausvyra statusas T sritis fizika atitikmenys: angl. stable equilibrium vok. gesichertes Gleichgewicht, n; stabiles Gleichgewicht, n rus. устойчивое равновесие, n pranc. équilibre stable, m … Fizikos terminų žodynas
stable equilibrium — pastovioji pusiausvyra statusas T sritis chemija apibrėžtis Būsena, kuriai esant sistema, dėl trikdžių praradusi pusiausvyrą, trikdžiams nustojus veikti vėl pasidaro pusiausvira. atitikmenys: angl. stable equilibrium rus. устойчивое равновесие… … Chemijos terminų aiškinamasis žodynas
stable equilibrium phase — pastovi pusiausviroji fazė statusas T sritis radioelektronika atitikmenys: angl. stable equilibrium phase vok. stabile Gleichgewichtsphase, f rus. устойчивая равновесная фаза, f pranc. phase stable d équilibre, f … Radioelektronikos terminų žodynas
stable equilibrium — noun Etymology: stable (III) : a state of equilibrium of a body (as a pendulum hanging directly downward from its point of support) such that when the body is slightly displaced it tends to return to its original position compare unstable… … Useful english dictionary
stable equilibrium — /ˌsteɪbəl ikwəˈlɪbriəm/ (say .staybuhl eekwuh libreeuhm) noun a state of equilibrium in a system where any slight change of energy will not cause any further change from the equilibrium state …
stable equilibrium — condition in which a system that has lost balance tends to regain balance … English contemporary dictionary
Stochastically stable equilibrium — Infobox equilibrium name = Stochastically stable equilibrium subsetof = Evolutionarily stable state supersetof = discoverer = Dean Foster, Peyton Young usedfor = Evolutionary game theory example = Stag huntIn game theory, a stochastically stable… … Wikipedia
Stable — Sta ble (st[=a] b l), a. [OF. estable, F. stable, fr. L. stabilis, fr. stare to stand. See {Stand}, v. i. and cf. {Establish}.] 1. Firmly established; not easily moved, shaken, or overthrown; fixed; as, a stable government. [1913 Webster] In this … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
equilibrium — equilibratory /i kwil euh breuh tawr ee, tohr ee, ee kweuh lib reuh , ek weuh /, adj. /ee kweuh lib ree euhm, ek weuh /, n., pl. equilibriums, equilibria / ree euh/. 1. a state of rest or balance due to the equal action of opposing forces. 2.… … Universalium