stable companion
Смотреть что такое "stable companion" в других словарях:
stable companion — noun a horse stabled with another or one of several horses owned by the same person • Syn: ↑stablemate • Hypernyms: ↑horse, ↑Equus caballus * * * stable companion noun (informal) Someone who lodges in the same place or is a member of the same… … Useful english dictionary
stable companion — noun a stablemate … English new terms dictionary
stable — 1. adj. (stabler, stablest) 1 firmly fixed or established; not easily adjusted, destroyed, or altered (a stable structure; a stable government). 2 firm, resolute; not wavering or fickle (a stable and steadfast friend). 3 Chem. (of a compound) not … Useful english dictionary
Stable vices — are bad habits of equines, especially horses. They usually develop as a result of being confined with insufficient exercise. Vices can develop out of boredom or hunger, excess energy, isolation, and occasionally may be learned by observing other… … Wikipedia
companion tranche — A specific tier or segment of REMIC security. A REMIC tranche that is structured to absorb a disproportionate amount of the volatility caused by variations in the prepayments of the underlying collateral. Companion tranches are created to be more … Financial and business terms
Horse behavior — is best understood from the perspective that horses are prey animals with a well developed fight or flight instinct. Their first response to a threat is to flee, although they are known to stand their ground and defend themselves or their… … Wikipedia
Duke of Marmalade — Racing colours of Susan Magnier … Wikipedia
Military mascot — A small dog watches gun practice on board a World War 2, Royal Navy, Naval trawler Military mascot refers to a pet animal maintained by a military unit for ceremonial purposes or as an emblem of that unit. It may also be referred to as a… … Wikipedia
mate — I (New American Roget s College Thesaurus) n. companion, chum, comrade; counterpart; consort, spouse; husband, wife. See friend, marriage, auxiliary. II (Roget s IV) n. 1. [One of a pair] Syn. complement, analog, counterpart; see match 2 . 2. [A… … English dictionary for students
Friend — (Roget s Thesaurus) < N PARAG:Friend >N GRP: N 1 Sgm: N 1 friend friend friend of one s bosom Sgm: N 1 acquaintance acquaintance neighbor wellwisher Sgm: N 1 alter ego alter ego Sgm: N 1 bosom friend bosom friend fast friend … English dictionary for students
Prostitution in ancient Greece — Prostitution was a part of daily life in ancient Greece. [This article was originally translated from the French Wikipedia article Prostitution en Grèce antique 22 May 2006.] In the more important cities, and particularly the many ports, it… … Wikipedia