stability theorem

stability theorem
мат. теорема устойчивости

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "stability theorem" в других словарях:

  • Stability spectrum — In model theory, a branch of mathematical logic, a complete first order theory T is called stable in λ (an infinite cardinal number), if the Stone space of every model of T of size ≤ λ has itself size ≤ λ. T is called a stable theory if there is… …   Wikipedia

  • Stability (probability) — In probability theory and statistics, the stability of a family of probability distributions is an important property which basically states that if one has a number of random variates that are in the family , any linear combination of these… …   Wikipedia

  • Routh-Hurwitz stability criterion — The Routh Hurwitz stability criterion is a necessary (and frequently sufficient) method to establish the stability of a single input, single output (SISO), linear time invariant (LTI) control system. More generally, given a polynomial, some… …   Wikipedia

  • Central limit theorem — This figure demonstrates the central limit theorem. The sample means are generated using a random number generator, which draws numbers between 1 and 100 from a uniform probability distribution. It illustrates that increasing sample sizes result… …   Wikipedia

  • Virial theorem — In mechanics, the virial theorem provides a general equation relating the average over time of the total kinetic energy, , of a stable system consisting of N particles, bound by potential forces, with that of the total potential energy, , where… …   Wikipedia

  • Kharitonov's theorem — is a result used in control theory to assess the stability of a dynamical system when the physical parameters of the system are not known precisely. When the coefficients of the characteristic polynomial are known, the Routh Hurwitz stability… …   Wikipedia

  • Autonomous convergence theorem — In mathematics, an autonomous convergence theorem is one of a family of related theorems which give conditions for global asymptotic stability of a continuous dynamical system.HistoryThe Markus Yamabe conjecture was formulated as an attempt to… …   Wikipedia

  • Sonnenschein–Mantel–Debreu theorem — The Sonnenschein–Mantel–Debreu theorem (named after Gérard Debreu, Rolf Ricardo Mantel, and Hugo Freund Sonnenschein) is a result in general equilibrium economics. It states that the excess demand function for an economy is not restricted by the… …   Wikipedia

  • Routh–Hurwitz theorem — In mathematics, Routh–Hurwitz theorem gives a test to determine whether a given polynomial is Hurwitz stable. It was proved in 1895 and named after Edward John Routh and Adolf Hurwitz.NotationsLet f(z) be a polynomial (with complex coefficients)… …   Wikipedia

  • Lyapunov stability — In mathematics, the notion of Lyapunov stability occurs in the study of dynamical systems. In simple terms, if all solutions of the dynamical system that start out near an equilibrium point x e stay near x e forever, then x e is Lyapunov stable.… …   Wikipedia

  • Derrick's theorem — is an argument due to a physicist G.H. Derrick which shows that stationary localized solutions to a nonlinear wave equation or nonlinear Klein–Gordon equation in dimensions three and higher are unstable. Contents 1 Original argument 2… …   Wikipedia

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