stability plane
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Stability derivatives — are a means of linearising the equations of motion of an atmospheric flight vehicle so that conventional control engineering methods may be applied to assess their stability.The dynamics of atmospheric flight vehicles is potentially very… … Wikipedia
plane — 1. A two dimensional flat surface. See planum. 2. An imaginary surface formed by extension of a point through any axis or two definite points, in reference especially to craniometry and to pelvimetry. SYN: planum. [L. planus, flat] Addison … Medical dictionary
Nyquist stability criterion — The Nyquist plot for . When designing a feedback control system, it is generally necessary to determine whether the closed loop system will be stable. An example of a destabilizing feedback control system would be a car steering system that… … Wikipedia
Vegetation and slope stability — are interrelated by the ability of the plant life growing on slopes to both promote and hinder the stability of the slope. The relationship is a complex combination of the type of soil, the rainfall regime, the plant species present, the slope… … Wikipedia
Paper plane — This article is about toy aircraft fashioned from paper. For other uses, see Paper plane (disambiguation). Instructions for a traditional paper plane. A paper plane, paper aeroplane (UK), paper airplane (US), paper glider, paper dart or dart is a … Wikipedia
Electronic stability control — (ESC) is a computerized technology [1][2] that may potentially improve the safety of a vehicle s stability by detecting and minimizing skids.[3] When ESC detects loss of steering control, it automatically applies the brakes to help steer the… … Wikipedia
Longitudinal static stability — is important in determining whether an aircraft will be able to fly as intended. Static stability As any vehicle moves it will be subjected to minor changes in the forces that act on it, and in its speed. * If such a change causes further changes … Wikipedia
Routh-Hurwitz stability criterion — The Routh Hurwitz stability criterion is a necessary (and frequently sufficient) method to establish the stability of a single input, single output (SISO), linear time invariant (LTI) control system. More generally, given a polynomial, some… … Wikipedia
Complex plane — Geometric representation of z and its conjugate in the complex plane. The distance along the light blue line from the origin to the point z is the modulus or absolute value of z. The angle φ is the argument of z. In mathematics … Wikipedia
BIBO stability — Bibo redirects here. For the Egyptian football player nicknamed Bibo, see Mahmoud El Khateeb. In electrical engineering, specifically signal processing and control theory, BIBO stability is a form of stability for signals and systems.BIBO stands… … Wikipedia
Asymptotic stability — See also Lyapunov stability for an alternate definition used in dynamical systems. In control theory, a continuous linear time invariant system is asymptotically stable if and only if the system has eigenvalues only with strictly negative real… … Wikipedia