
skwə:m гл.
1) извиваться, изгибаться, корчиться Syn : writhe, wriggle
2) чувствовать себя неприятно задетым;
испытывать неловкость, смущение и т. п.squirm out корча;
извивание поеживание, ерзание - to give a * передернуться корчиться;
изгибаться, извиваться увернуться, увильнуть - to * out of an obligation увильнуть от выполнения обязательства двигаться извиваясь - to * one's way through a crowd протискиваться через толпу - the snake *s among the leaves змея, извиваясь, ползет среди листвы смущенно поеживаться;
корчиться от стыда - to * under a reproach сжаться, услышав упрек - to * with embarassment корчиться от чувства неловкости - to make smb. * мучить кого-л. (вопросами, насмешками и т. п.) - they *ed painfully in their chairs они смущенно ерзали на стульях - these words made him * его передернуло от этих слов - I'll make him * yet! он у меня еще попляшет! squirm извиваться, корчиться ~ чувствовать себя неприятно задетым;
испытывать неловкость, смущение

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "squirm" в других словарях:

  • Squirm — were a New Zealand alternative rock group based in Christchurch New Zealand.The band played from 1991 1997 and released 2 albums and one 6 track ep.Discography*1994 Whip Me Honey CDEP 6 tracks Failsafe Records *1995 Mastermistakemaker Album… …   Wikipedia

  • squirm — [skwə:m US skwə:rm] v [Date: 1600 1700; Origin: Perhaps copying the action] 1.) to twist your body from side to side because you are uncomfortable or nervous, or to get free from something which is holding you = ↑wriggle ▪ Christine squirmed… …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • squirm|y — «SKWUR mee», adjective, squirm|i|er, squirm|i|est. squirming; wriggling: »To win the attention of squirmy teen age audiences, Anita told the story of how she and Fawn were wakened by the sound of screams one night ( …   Useful english dictionary

  • Squirm — (skw[ e]rm), v. i. [imp. & p. p. {Squirmed} (skw[ e]rmd); p. pr. & vb. n. {Squirming}.] [Cf. {Swarm} to climb a tree.] To twist about briskly with contortions like an eel or a worm; to wriggle; to writhe. [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • squirm — [ skwɜrm ] verb intransitive 1. ) to move by twisting and turning in a small space: Leave me alone! he cried, trying to squirm free. 2. ) to look or feel embarrassed and uncomfortable: Some administration officials are privately squirming with… …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

  • squirm — 1690s, originally referring to eels, of unknown origin; sometimes associated with WORM (Cf. worm) or SWARM (Cf. swarm), but perhaps rather imitative. Related: Squirmed; squirming …   Etymology dictionary

  • squirm — *writhe, agonize Analogous words: twist, bend (see CURVE vb): wince, flinch, blench, shrink, *recoil …   New Dictionary of Synonyms

  • squirm — [v] wiggle, fidget agonize, flounder, shift, skew, squiggle, toss, twist, wind, worm, wriggle, writhe; concept 213 Ant. sit still …   New thesaurus

  • squirm — ► VERB 1) wriggle or twist the body from side to side, especially due to nervousness or discomfort. 2) be embarrassed or ashamed. ► NOUN ▪ a wriggling movement. DERIVATIVES squirmy adjective. ORIGIN probably associated with …   English terms dictionary

  • squirm — [skwʉrm] vi. 1. to twist and turn the body in a snakelike movement; wriggle; writhe 2. to show or feel distress, as from painful embarrassment, humiliation, etc. n. the act of squirming; a squirming motion squirmy adj. squirmier, squirmiest …   English World dictionary

  • squirm — [[t]skwɜ͟ː(r)m[/t]] squirms, squirming, squirmed 1) VERB If you squirm, you move your body from side to side, usually because you are nervous or uncomfortable. He had squirmed and wriggled and screeched when his father had washed his face... [V… …   English dictionary

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